Sat. December17, Paragon's Party Pad and Knights of Ouroboros will be hosting thier 1 year anniversary! Starting at 7pm EST there will be a RP Party in Pocket D following at 8pm EST a Costume Contest (No Theme). There will be 5 winners Grand Prize 150mil., RunnerUP 75mil., and 3 honorable mentions for 25mil.! Thank you for your time hope to see you all there.
Sat. December17, Paragon's Party Pad and Knights of Ouroboros will be hosting thier 1 year anniversary! Starting at 7pm EST there will be a RP Party in Pocket D following at 8pm EST a Costume Contest (No Theme). There will be 5 winners Grand Prize 150mil., RunnerUP 75mil., and 3 honorable mentions for 25mil.! Thank you for your time hope to see you all there.