Anyone have a DB/Nin leveling build?




I'm starting a new Stalker, and I have this concept in my head. The build will be Dual Blade/Ninjitsu. So anyone have a decent leveling build I can look at for my own build in mid's? As you can expect, I'm looking for something with decent survivability. Thank you in advance for your help!



Take Defensive Toggles and BU/AS/Placate as soon as possible, along with Mez Protection.
Toggles get 3 Defense, 1 EndRed when you've got the slots.
Attacks get 1 Acc, 3 Damage.
Take what attacks you want in order to pull off the varied combos.
3 Recharge in Build Up, 2 Recharge in your mez protection, and at least 1 Recharge in Placate.
Choose what else you want, there's a lot of toys to play with in /Nin.
Make sure to grab KB protection as well, either through Acrobatics (leaping pool) or -KB IO's.
Grab the Heal, and slot 3 Rech/3 Heal eventually.

Go out, and stab things. Profit.

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.