Thrilling Adventure Hour! (and radio serials generally)




If you happen to be in Los Angeles,sell any spare body parts - yours or otherwise - to get a ticket for the THRILLING ADVENTURE HOUR, with quite famous people mucking about doing an old-time radio show for a live audience.

I mention it because part of the latest show was recorded for Nerdist: Sparks Nevada, Marshal On Mars, and features one Nathan Fillion as Cactoid Jim,King Of The Red Frontier. (Nathan Fillion in a space western? Novel career choice there..)”/

Anyhow,are there any old radio serials you've heard or would recommend?
If you can get hold of it, find The Goon Show, starring Peter Sellers, Spike Milligan and Harry Secombe. It's pretty much a direct inspiration for Python, though instead of Gilliam they had to rely on their highly esteemed Radiophonic Workshop (and a lot of their inventive techniques wound up being used on Zep's, Hendrix' and the Beatles' albums, as they gave it all away for free in journals).

So,anything else that can be heard out there?

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?