Perma-PB (Yet another one)!




So here's the first, gob-awful expensive build...

Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.952

Click this DataLink to open the build!

Phosphorant Perma: Level 50 Natural Peacebringer
Primary Power Set: Luminous Blast
Secondary Power Set: Luminous Aura
Power Pool: Leaping
Power Pool: Speed
Power Pool: Leadership
Power Pool: Fighting

Hero Profile:
Level 1: Glinting Eye -- Decim-Acc/Dmg:40(A), Decim-Dmg/EndRdx:40(3), Decim-Dmg/Rchg:40(9), Decim-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:40(31), Decim-Build%:40(36), Achilles-ResDeb%:20(43)
Level 1: Incandescence -- S'fstPrt-ResDam/Def+:30(A), GA-3defTpProc:50(40)
Level 2: Gleaming Blast -- Apoc-Dmg:50(A), Apoc-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(3), Apoc-Acc/Rchg:50(9), Apoc-Dmg/EndRdx:50(17), Apoc-Dam%:50(34), GJ-Dam%:50(43)
Level 4: Essence Boost -- Numna-Heal/Rchg:50(A), Mrcl-Heal/Rchg:40(5), Numna-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:50(5), Mrcl-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:40(25)
Level 6: Radiant Strike -- Hectmb-Dmg:50(A), Hectmb-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(7), Hectmb-Acc/Rchg:50(7), Hectmb-Dmg/EndRdx:50(17), Hectmb-Dam%:50(34), Achilles-ResDeb%:20(43)
Level 8: Combat Jumping -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A)
Level 10: Hasten -- RechRdx-I:50(A), RechRdx-I:50(11), RechRdx-I:50(11)
Level 12: Inner Light -- AdjTgt-ToHit/Rchg:50(A), AdjTgt-ToHit/EndRdx/Rchg:50(13), AdjTgt-EndRdx/Rchg:50(13), AdjTgt-ToHit/EndRdx:50(31), AdjTgt-Rchg:50(42)
Level 14: Luminous Detonation -- Ragnrk-Dmg:50(A), Ragnrk-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(15), Ragnrk-Acc/Rchg:50(15), Ragnrk-Dmg/EndRdx:50(31), Ragnrk-Knock%:50(36)
Level 16: Assault -- EndRdx-I:50(A)
Level 18: Incandescent Strike -- C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx:50(A), C'ngImp-Dmg/Rchg:50(19), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(19), C'ngImp-Acc/Dmg/EndRdx:50(37), C'ngImp-Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg:50(37), Lock-%Hold:50(37)
Level 20: Pulsar -- Amaze-Stun/Rchg:50(A), Amaze-Acc/Stun/Rchg:50(21), Amaze-Acc/Rchg:50(21), Amaze-EndRdx/Stun:50(29), Amaze-ToHitDeb%:50(36)
Level 22: Reform Essence -- Numna-Heal/Rchg:50(A), Mrcl-Heal/Rchg:40(23), Numna-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:50(23), Mrcl-Heal/EndRdx/Rchg:40(25)
Level 24: Conserve Energy -- RechRdx-I:50(A)
Level 26: Solar Flare -- Armgdn-Dmg:50(A), Armgdn-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:50(27), Armgdn-Acc/Rchg:50(27), Armgdn-Dmg/EndRdx:50(29), Armgdn-Dam%:50(34), FrcFbk-Rechg%:50(40)
Level 28: Maneuvers -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A), LkGmblr-Def:50(42), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx:50(42)
Level 30: Quantum Flight -- EndRdx-I:50(A)
Level 32: Photon Seekers -- C'Arms-Acc/Dmg:30(A), C'Arms-Dmg/EndRdx:30(33), C'Arms-Acc/Dmg/Rchg:30(33), C'Arms-EndRdx/Dmg/Rchg:30(33), S'bndAl-Dmg/EndRdx:50(48), S'bndAl-Acc/Rchg:50(48)
Level 35: Boxing -- Stpfy-Acc/Rchg:50(A), Stpfy-EndRdx/Stun:50(45), Stpfy-Acc/EndRdx:50(46), Stpfy-Stun/Rng:50(46), Stpfy-Acc/Stun/Rchg:50(46)
Level 38: Light Form -- ImpArm-EndRdx/Rchg:40(A), ImpArm-ResDam:40(39), ImpArm-ResDam/Rchg:40(39), ImpArm-ResDam/EndRdx:40(39), Aegis-ResDam/Rchg:50(40)
Level 41: Kick -- Acc-I:50(A)
Level 44: Weave -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A), LkGmblr-Def:50(45), LkGmblr-Def/EndRdx:50(45)
Level 47: Vengeance -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A)
Level 49: Quantum Acceleration -- SW-ResDam/Re TP:50(A)
Level 2: Swift -- Run-I:50(A)
Level 2: Health -- Numna-Regen/Rcvry+:50(A), Numna-Heal:50(48)
Level 2: Hurdle -- Jump-I:50(A)
Level 2: Stamina -- P'Shift-End%:50(A), P'Shift-EndMod/Acc:50(50), P'Shift-EndMod:50(50), P'Shift-EndMod/Rchg:50(50)
Level 1: Brawl -- Acc-I:50(A)
Level 1: Cosmic Balance
Level 1: Energy Flight -- Winter-ResSlow:50(A)
Level 1: Sprint -- ULeap-Stlth:50(A)
Level 2: Rest -- RechRdx-I:50(A)
Level 4: Ninja Run
Level 10: Combat Flight -- LkGmblr-Rchg+:50(A)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
Now, curious as to what could be done to it to make the overkill on Recharge lowered, and mebbe bring up the S/L/E/N or the M/R Defenses. Looking long and hard at the Agility T4 Core for eventual Incarnate (have T1 Agility and Cardiac right now). Looking at running this guy through Incarnates, and this build would only be for level 50 (got two others for any other content).

So, rip into it, please? ^_^

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Yea your recharge is sort of overkill- I recommend shooting around the 170% mark and softcapping your s/l defense. You should consider taking Dwarf and using Strike, Smite, Boxing, Brawl and I Strike for Kinetic Combat sets. You'll also be able to help your defense a bit by keeping Combat Flight on and 3 slotting w/ LOTG Recharge, Def, and Def/End.

With Spiritual Core Paragon...

You can 1 slot Essence Boost with a numina, miracle, or regenerative tissue proc and keep it perma. You can 2 slot inner light w/ rectified recticle for s/l defense and keep it perma. You can pull the last IO from LF and keep that perma too (drop q Flight for Shining Shield or Kick for Tough to keep your s/l resists capped) You can also 2 slot Hasten and keep that perma.



Yes, but until I craft the 7 Spiritual Incarnates needed to get to T4 Core Spiritual... Should I go with this? Try for a SLEN Def-build with modest Recharge? Not even bother and just carry on carrying on with my Common IO's build?

I am the 99%. Occupy the World.
Minister of Infinity's Secret Police, Official Mooch of dUmb and League, Official Purveyor of Free Straws, the Most Interesting Man in the World.



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
Yes, but until I craft the 7 Spiritual Incarnates needed to get to T4 Core Spiritual... Should I go with this? Try for a SLEN Def-build with modest Recharge? Not even bother and just carry on carrying on with my Common IO's build?

I wouldn't bother trying to build e/n defense at any point.



I like that build it is somewhat similar to mine. I do think you went overboard on recharge, there are a lot of very tasty bonuses you can build for on Khelds such as s/l defense, damage, end recover, regen to mention the big ones for me.

In particular I like your slotting of the heals for bonuses and to save an extra slot, I actually am not a fan of doctored wounds in those two powers and I thought I was alone in that thought. I also like how you slotted photon seekers but if you want a way to up s/l defense the sovergin right set is popular here, I prefer your slotting myself.

I think I would put Hetcomb into Incandescent strike, I thought you wanted to put purple sets into your most damaging powers first? I am dropping a set of Kinetic combats into radiant strike, boxing, brawl. Which with the steadfast def, maunevers, weave, hover gives me in the 21ish def to s/l. Boxing with a set of stupefy's seems like wasted slots to me but just my opinion.

I am not taking kick but am taking tough to get my s/l resists capped with lightform running and you don't need any extra slots in tough (bonus!). The alternative would be to keep kick and add another set of kinetic combats and push up to 25% def s/l, if you can afford the gladiator 3%def proc you are getting close to 32.5%def to s/l. I view this as the magic number as just one purple now caps you to s/l. Also you dont want to neglect the other tasty bonuses you can get by overslotting for one particular bonus on a PB. I think their diverse powers and playstyle call for a more overlapping array of set bonuses.

I dont like combat jumping in your build, I would dump that for a more useful power and throw that luck of the gambler recharge into quantum acceleration. Maybe tough or one of the forms? I find perma lightform to make dwarf form obsolete and took Nova so I could slot the aoe for more recharge. On teams it lets me unload with a 3 ranged aoe powers before charging into melee. Also unsupressed travel in pvp is a pretty sweet deal too.

I slotted luminous detonation like you did but I also included a 6th slot for -res achilles heel proc, and in place of armageddon in solar flare put in Fury of the Gladiator. This nets me 2 aoe powers with the -res proc in them. I would argue that the -res proc in a single power is somewhat wasted from an efficiency standpoint where as aoe powers with -res maximize it. Fury of the Gladiator's bonuses are pretty decent with the added benefit of maybe giving me an edge if I ever stepped into pvp.

Along the PVP angle it altered how I slotted glinting eye too. Glinting eye, I am turning into a proc power, with as many procs as I can get at the expense of set bonuses while still trying to keep base acc/dam up with frankenslotting. I dont think this is optimal slotting but just how I like to slot this power on the off chance I did ever want to step into pvp.

Inner light, I only slot with 2 adjusted targeting, tohitbuff/rech, recharge and a recharge IO. I like the slots elsewhere. The recharge is nice but with perma lightform do you need the status protection? I am not sure, I rarely get mezzed with perma light form but it does happen so maybe everyone else knows something I dont?

If your hurting for stamina, I like at least two recharge IO's in conserve energy and I go for three. I am a frentic player and hard on the blue bar.

I really like your build, you have a couple different takes on slotting that are different from the norm and I think are possibly superior to common practices.