Stuck for weeks with new alts... Can't decide of what to roll now and drives me nuts!
I have been runnin into some altitis recently also, I usually roll up builds that I do not commonly see.
stone melee/inv broot
ninja/time mm
spines/wp scrapper
Beam/sonic corr
zombie/pain mm
When TW comes out might roll up a /sr to go with it, I have probably made 30+ alts in the past 2 weeks alone.
Damn you devs for givin me all these choices!
I've had a great time with my own Claws/WP guy...
Dual Blade is a fun, and stylish-looking, melee set...
Have you tried a Broadsword/Shield type yet? That's a pretty classic combination if you had any interest in doing the knightly thing...
Street Justice is a perfect fit for brutes, and satisfyingly crunchy...
How about a Kin Melee stalker?
@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...
I mostly play melee...
Now I leveled to 50 my WS,PB and Elec/Nin, wanted to roll some new characters but I cant decide. I always made the worst combos, like MA/FA lol
Lately I cant decide with new powersets and Im not playing the game because of that.
I want to make some brutes:
StJ maybe with /FA... Not sure about secondary
Claws with /WP or /SR
Titan weapons with /WP
Some scrappers:
KM maybe with shield
Any clue, advice, feedback or personal experience related?
Thank you!