Normal mapped faces rankle me.




The biggest reason the new heads and faces look so bad (in addition to the drag queenish quality of the female ones) is because the rest of the body and %95 of hairstyles are still in the old mapping and they never blend in.



Originally Posted by Xieveral View Post
The biggest reason the new heads and faces look so bad (in addition to the drag queenish quality of the female ones) is because the rest of the body and %95 of hairstyles are still in the old mapping and they never blend in.
Not from my point of view.

If I look just at the face and nothing else, which I do in the pics posted above, then there is no 'blending issues'. By itself, it just doesn't look quite right. Too waxy and shiny.

Those are great faces for androids, not for humans, IMO.

Now, some of the old-style faces also look pretty odd and weird and a bit 'off', too. So, I don't think it's a problem with the tech, but with how it was enacted.

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