When Pain/ gets proliferated to fenders...




Just a few fixes for when they do(hopefully soon):

Soothing Aura: Change PvE version to +regen like masterminds(and buff the regen, maybe +250% or +300%)

World of Pain: Reduce Recharge time to 180 secs, since it doesnt stack anyways

Anguishing Cry: Reduce Recharge to 60-90sec


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It was made to be Empathy's evil twin, so I don't know if you'll ever see both available to the same archetypes.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
It was made to be Empathy's evil twin, so I don't know if you'll ever see both available to the same archetypes.
The game has changed since then, so I won't rule it out until I see a definitive dev statement that it will never happen.

With regard to Soothing Aura, I prefer the small heals over +regen. The low HP cap squishies get means you won't really be able to take much advantage of a change over to regen. Then there's vastly more -regen debuff in the game than -heal, so it would overall be more of a nerf than benefit. Also you don't get healing badge credit for granting allies +regen.



Originally Posted by Supernumiphone View Post
The game has changed since then, so I won't rule it out until I see a definitive dev statement that it will never happen.
Given that Poison was also restricted due to hero/villain AT theme, and the fact that on one of the UStreams, someone (Synapse?) basically said "I don't see why not", I think the chances are pretty good.

That said, I have no major qualms with Pain as-is. But I'd definitely prefer the Regen toggle get passed around to all the ATs that get it, for a variety of reasons.



They said all powersets would be proliferated so :P



I'd very much prefer to keep the PvE version as a straight heal toggle.

The other changes would be good.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too