Idea for an in-game help system




There was a discussion on another thread about the abuses of the help channel and helper / help me titles. I like helping others but personally I don't like sitting on the channel or marking myself as a helper.

What I would like is forum-like system where players could ask questions, which would go into a help window, and where I could select to expand by title, and answer if I want. The player will be alerted to an answer and once he sees a satisfactory answer he'd press a button and the question will be removed from the list. The question will also be removed if the character logs out.

I think this would make it easier for people to find the questions that need to be answered, something that's not easy just occasionally reading a chat window, and would cut down on chatter.

It may also be nice to have a helper badge for people who help a lot (and whose answers are accepted), but that would have to be manually judged, to prevent abuses.