Alternative Enhancement Boosters
With IOs, Origins really don't matter anymore. You level up to 22, get Level 25 IOs, then get to Level 47 and work on sets or level 50 IOs. SOs was really the only thing that mattered what your Origin was. It would me nice to see some kind of proc effect or interesting buff vs. your opposed Origin and maybe a resist to the same origin or vice versa.
"That's not debt, that's Fury Bonus Points!" -Stahlkopf, Brute, Born Sept 1980 - Died Jan 2005, Feb 2005, March 2005, April 2005 twice, May, June, July...heck, you get the idea.
The one issue that comes up that I can think of, is that the attacks aren't "typed" to origin. To damage type (Fire, Smashing, Lethal, etc.) and attack (ranged, AOE, melee) - which you can see in the IO sets now.
Essentially you'd have to recode every power in the game that NPCs use.
And then you get to deal with PVP and player-selected origins. Which would actually make the Origin slot on the LFT window mean something, of course...
Personally, I'd say extend the "GR Preorder" boosters into (rare? Uncommon? Depending on strength) IO types, that can add either multi aspect with effect (End/Chance for Hold, say, or Rech/Chance for Smashing, as examples) or just the proc effect (chance for...) themselves.
Balance-wise, it does leave the player with a choice of using a full set or a partial set plus proc (given some of the nice defense bonuses, for instance, are on the sixth piece of a set, this can be a sacrifice.)
well originally the idea was for there to be damage type modifiers, that could change portions of say, smashing/lethal attacks into energy as an example, and also offer typed defence/resistance to resistance/defence powers to allow characters to "tune" their characters to particular opponents or plug weaknesses.
However, Synapse had reservations about changing damage types as mentioned. Now as IO slotting can be quite confusing it itself, thats why it was suggested that if alternative boosters were offered, that they be kept simple so that anyone interested in either purchasing (or earning, Synapse was keen to stress that alternative boosters should be achieveable ingame too) or slotting these boosters would KNOW it's effect really before placing it.
Hence origin typed boosters that can offer the same statistics as IO's (needing no recoding of the IO's) but with additional damage chances, DoT etc that could simply be added on.

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
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DoT Enhancement: Tacks an exceedingly minor DoT effect of a specefic type onto any attack that deals damage. (I.E: You just shot him for 12 damage with your dual pistols attack; this 'Poisoned' tick adds 3 ticks of 1 toxic damage to each shot at 2/4/6 seconds)
Proc Enhancement: Randomly adds damage, knockback, stun, or whatever.
Secondary Effect Enhancement: Tacks on an additional secondary effect; such as -15% Regen for 20 seconds, -5% defense for 15 seconds, -5% resistance for 10 seconds. (You just put the 'Armor Piercing Rounds' into that Dual Pistols power, and it now deals 12 damage and takes off 5% enemy resistance)
'Pacifier' Enhancement: Either has a chance to Placate an enemy, or a very weak aggro reduction which turns into a Placate after several applications.
Splash Enhancement: A lower-damage Proc that triggers on nearby enemies rather than the enemy himself.
"Why do these Lost keep trying to hold me? Don't they know I don't swing that way?"
During the open beta of i21, I managed to grab Synapse for a short while about an idea I had for alternate Enhancement Boosters. The basis for that is that whilst adding +5 to your powers is appealing, the statistical gains aren't huge and don't really allow for much customising (as ideally players would +5 everything)
So, I managed to grab Synapse as mentioned for some quick questions regarding these (Thankyou again for your time there!) and it seems the dev team have some reservations or numerical issues about my original suggestion of boosters based on damage types and with changing damage type outright on attacks.
Having had a chat with Vulpish One in the open beta as well, we were trying to brainstorm ways in which we could represent boosters easily (a proc booster as an example, could either make attacks proc, or increase/modify the proc ability of an exisiting IO, which makes their description confusing)
Having had a futher few sleep on it, instead of the damage types, perhaps Origin's could be an alternative solution?
There could be 5 categories (instead of the previous 8 boosters by damage type) called Technique (Natural), Reagent (Science), Nanite (Technology), Malus (Magic) and Pathogen (Mutation), which have different advantages and disadvantages based on the power boosted, and the opponent being fought.
As an example a hero without boosters faces off against the Circle of Thorns. His attacks are calculated based on the type of attack and the CoT's type of defence. If that same hero then used the same ability, but slotted with Malus boosters, he would have an advantage against the Circle because the Malus booster is designed to be strong against magical attacks, in the same way that Nanite boosters would have an advantage against opponents using Technology/Science equipment etc.
Again, I'm certainly not the king of numbers here and there could be multiple "types" of each booster as well to choose from, such as a Malus Sigil booster that perhaps causes a small self heal when attacked by magical opponents, or a Nanite Swarm booster that causes additional damage over time when used on an attack IO against a tech opponent.
Again thought's and feedback would be really appreciated!!!
In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide