10 Years of CoH




I have technically been around since Beta. My brother was bigtime into it and called me to the computer constantly showing me updates. He wasn't a big forumite though, just a lurker.

When the game went live he was showing me the gameplay and offered to let me make my own character and give it a shot. The rest is history....

I played on his account for roughly 6 months or so, got TA up to 35, then decided I wanted my own account. Deleted TA, re-rolled on my new account and here I am.

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I've never been into super hero comics. I'm more of a science fiction person. I love Jules Verne and Isaac Asimov. I honestly can't recall where I heard about CoH. It was the last MMORPG I ever jumped into on release day (Oh woe to those who do that now-a-days).



  • I started following the game and registered for the forums in 2003 after seeing an article about the Super Strength power set in a gaming magazine.
  • I've been subscribed continually since head-start.
  • I come from a varied background of RPGs with a smattering of table-top miniatures war-gaming, CCGs and board games including Marvel Super Heroes and Champions.
  • I was exposed to and loved EverQuest in 1999, so I was OK with the whole MMO pay-to-play structure.
  • I got into the beta in early March because of my previous forum registration and also got another account into beta because I pre-ordered.
  • CoH has outlasted two jobs and one relationship.

Victory: The Hall of Justice Virtue: The Hall of Doom
Slash Commands, Binds and Macros, Oh My!, CoV Stat Booster Accolade Cheat-Sheet, Don't Let Me Make Money Off Your Ignorance!!!, Day Job Acquisition Guide, "Tricky" TA



I love when I run into old friends "Damn, you still play that game?" I am happy to say yes. The music in AP still reminds me of beta. How time flys..great thread!

"if I am guilty for what goes on in my mind, than give me the electric chair for all my future crimes"



been here for 7yrs now. a friend of mine who still plays and in my SG got me to try it out and see the good this game has to offer.
well its been a good 7yrs and im still in for the long haul.
ive enjoyed this game and put more hours in this game than i did in UO in 5yrs i played that one.

@Eternal Twilight
Friends don't let friends buy an NCSoft controlled project.
Save Paragon one more time!

Petition to end shutting down CoH:



My partner got the game from a friend and they were supposed to all team up and stuff, it looked like a ridiculous conceit to dress up as supers and fly around and shoot stuff. He went on to play WoW, I won't use the words he described CoH with on his own first impression.

That was around Issue 4...oddly enough just as I start the game people start raging about defense being nerfed, Fire Tankers being nerfed, all this stuff and it did not improve when Issue 6 and Enhancement Diversification kicked in. Still, the costume creator is a keeper and the amount of powers and the pvp gameplay got me hooked early on....and I'm here almost 8 years later, wow.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



I started reading the per-beta forums boards about a year out form Beta starting. I never posted much would enjoyed checking out the daily ravings of people like Xanatos.

I was fortunate enough to get into the 2nd round of beta testing and remember the massive backlash when at first people were not allowed to keep their beta character's name for when the server went live and then the mess the devs caused when they tried to fix the issue.

My best memory was hitting the station to transfer zones and noticing a player named Ascendant talking on the pay phone to his mother. That was the hardest I ever laughed in a game, and of course after a few weeks he became famous across Virtue and the forum boards for his in game character (from comical phone calls to leading a rally in Atlas Park for Memorial Day). I was even part of his short lived supergroup when they were first added to the game.

I truly miss seeing fire controllers with an army of 9 fire imps running around them. But thank the heavens that they got rid of the full body graphic on Stone tank. You started off with your first power making you look like a walking pile of dog poop.

I enjoyed playing with many stand out characters like, Xanatos, Balen, Killer Whale, Ascendant, Solo, all the Taxibots and dozen of other old-timers.

My own first year characters;
Toxic Roach
Aggro King



A buddy of mine let me test drive his beta account while the game was in early beta, I got my own beta account as soon as I could after that. Been sticking around ever since. Still enjoy the fact that I'm a Day 1'er (if that's a term), although I should lord it over people more often (the people I team with know my old buying vet badges joke).

To this day, I still get a rush zipping around AP hearing that music.

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off