



I'll just be blunt. (Yeah, shocker.) Phasing needs adjustment.

Running around with a league hunting GMs (on two accounts,) the GMs were fine - the hamidon seeds on top of one of the "phasing area" buildings? ... not so much.

Seems the phase area is JUST far enough out to have kept my character out of range of, oh, using ANY attacks. Get close enough - they're phased. And so is my team. (You have NO Idea how irritating that got.) If I'd had a snipe or something, maybe it'd be better, but... oy.

It'd be nice to be able to "lock" phase with someone (say, the team leader) so everyone's synched for whatever encounter it is. As it is now, it goes from mildly confusing (had people ask "What killed you?" when I just got into a phased area, or out of range, or something) to really, *really* irritating.