Mercenaries and Resistance?




Hello all,

I was just noticing last night on the beta server, that Mercenaries have very good resist straight out of the box, I have not seen any guides on using Thermal with them and I thought it might have great synergy especially since they prefer range allowing you to stay in a group utilizing the aoe heal you start with?

I also noticed that this should be a much better team play set than robots/traps especially since you don't worry about knock back which half the time annoys me as well since they shove them into other enemy groups.

Please post your opinions on this subject, or post a link to another thread if I missed it.



Merc only has Smashing and Lethal resistance. It's decent but not great. I believe Demons and Robots have more variety and Demons have Fire resistance which is good against most of the nasty AoE damage in the game.

I also noticed that this should be a much better team play set than robots/traps especially since you don't worry about knock back

My friend, Merc has a lot of knock backs as well. :P Merc is good for staying at range for sure.

What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.



Yeah, when you reach Level 32, the KB begins. Your Commando and Medic are the worst offenders, I think. However, they're still nowhere near as bad as bots. Their major contribution to a team is defense bebuffing. Have them all gang up on the boss, and your teammates will never have any trouble hitting. Put Achilles Heel resist debuff proc on the bottom and middle tier pets and you'll be amplifying your teammates' damage numbers too. Also the randomly applied Mezz powers of your Spec Ops (which are half useless in Single Player) may actually become useful on teams.

Going Mercs/Thermal is not a bad idea. They'll stay totally vulnerable to Psionics and Toxic, but their smashing/lethal could easily get over 50% (If you also use the Sovereign Right Resistance Proc.) But the downside of going /Thermal is that there are no control/Mitigation powers in that set. Mercs benefit a lot from those.



If you want to play Mercs, go Storm otherwise.. get ready to cry at 50.



Yeah. Mercs/Storm is really good. I got tired of mine, but I can't really say why. I think I just got tired of the automatic win strategy of summoning Lightning Storm and Hurricane, and then just having all my guys stand behind the wind barrier and shoot everybody to death.