Unfinished Character Bios




I don't RP. I rarely play for "content." I hate melee.

That being said, I have a really awful knack for creating characters with "concepts," yet I never go on to finish them or really flesh them out.

After 6 years I still haven't nailed down a specific story for my main, Voodoo Girl. I've put a few of my characters up on Virtue Verse and as can be witnessed by some, I haven't done a thing with them. Some of them, like my main, I've tried fleshing out a story or at least a structure.

Basically, what I'm saying is - if you like creative writing or are exceptionally bored - feel free to go and edit my character biographies on Virtue Verse. Pretend it's like Wikipedia - minus having to source/verify/check information. Write whatever you want.

Unfinished Character Biographies

Have fun!