Beyond Taking Orders for Convention Merchandise and Beyond...
It looks like nobody is interested in this post...or that there is no more Projector Pens...Aww
Oh, well...I'm still searching.
Anyway, if anyone likes, this thread can be used for people to exchange comments about merchandises of the City series, or even ask each other if they want to trade, buy, or sell some.
Or, we can talk about our favorite moment at any convention whatsoever.
Whichever one, anyone can put this thread to use.
Thank you for your time, everyone. Have a good night.
How is everyone?
I tried to find the adequate spot to post this. This is the best spot that I could find so far...
I heard that there were people who when to the conventions which featured City of Heores/Villains, all the while letting others ask them to get some merchandise for them.
While that is nice during conventions, I wonder if people are doing that in between conventions (other than on ebay)?
I'm asking because I am currently seeking one of the LED Projector Pins, Hero or Villain (I don't mind which one, I just want one of them). If anyone is willing to give or sell one, please PM me.
That being said, this thread can be used to talk about the past, present, and future guesses for City of Heroe/Villains Merchandise. What was your favorite one? What would you like to see?
I personally hope for more resin statues other than the Lord Recluse one ^_^.
Thank you all for your time and patience. Have a lovely day.