Struggling with HOW to play my WS




So with double xp I've hit my WS really hard and got it to lvl 45 last night. As I played I found that I was struggling with exactly how to be the most effective member of the team. It seemed like every time I went to human form to hit mire I was hammered by anything around, even if I let the tank, brute or scrapper take the alphas, sending me racing into Dwarf to try and survive, which wasn't a given. Once I got eclipse, this race was not quite so bad, but right now my recharge isn't high enough to have it even close to perma so there are many fights I have to go without it.

Basically what I struggle with is how to use my forms. Just for survivability I found myself in Dwarf most of the time and going to Nova when eclipse was up and I could use mire to boost that damage.

I'm just struggling with how to play my tri-form. Strategy and tactic tips would really be appreciated. And before anyone points me to the MFing Warshade guide, I've read it 3 times now. Great guide for building a foundation and is the reason I made a WS, but isn't a be all, end all guide.

Thanks in advance for any help.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Without Eclipse, you should be playing much more like a Dominator. Use your mez, you have a ton of it.
So when Eclipse is down play in human form?



Originally Posted by Deathstroke33 View Post
BTW, did you even read my post? I said I've read through that guide several times but still had questions it didn't answer.

I know, I read that part of your post but I just thought it was funny because I felt like it pretty well addressed the issue you were having. When Eclipse isn't recharged, utilize your stuns to help keep you alive. When it comes to how to use your forms, a big part of the guide is devoted to addressing exactly that. It is a tri-form guide after all.



Originally Posted by Deathstroke33 View Post
So with double xp I've hit my WS really hard and got it to lvl 45 last night. As I played I found that I was struggling with exactly how to be the most effective member of the team. It seemed like every time I went to human form to hit mire I was hammered by anything around, even if I let the tank, brute or scrapper take the alphas, sending me racing into Dwarf to try and survive, which wasn't a given. Once I got eclipse, this race was not quite so bad, but right now my recharge isn't high enough to have it even close to perma so there are many fights I have to go without it.

Basically what I struggle with is how to use my forms. Just for survivability I found myself in Dwarf most of the time and going to Nova when eclipse was up and I could use mire to boost that damage.

I'm just struggling with how to play my tri-form. Strategy and tactic tips would really be appreciated. And before anyone points me to the MFing Warshade guide, I've read it 3 times now. Great guide for building a foundation and is the reason I made a WS, but isn't a be all, end all guide.

Thanks in advance for any help.
Originally Posted by Deathstroke33 View Post
So when Eclipse is down play in human form?
I think what Dechs is saying is make sure they cannot mezz you. In other words, use Gravitic emanation a lot, and make sure you take out the problem enemies first with your Mezzes/attacks.

It sounds like your main issues are for when eclipse isn't up, right? My battle plan, for when I have to go in without eclipse; lead up with your stun cannon, Gravity well anyone that is still a mezz threat, mire, then pop into nova and blast them. Drop out of nova to heal yourself with Stygian when needed. And don't forget to make good use of your pets and corpse blasting to keep the enemies not focused on you, and stunned/dead.

The Warshade heaven video link in my sig probably won't help you (because that build has perma eclipse), but one of the nice things about it is that I did the fighting without any binds, so you can see my mouse movements.



Originally Posted by Deathstroke33 View Post
So when Eclipse is down play in human form?

You are all forms at all times!



Originally Posted by TwoHeadedBoy View Post
You are all forms at all times!
You did catch my "nerd nod" to Dechs over in the Attention Kheld Lovers thread right?

"Behind her one approaches, he walks slowly, smoothly, his countenance stern, his skin color green. And yet, in another sense, there is nothing green about him.

He stands before his crew arrayed in the finest apparel attainable. There is a knowing glint in his eyes as he gazes upon the faces of his crew. They tremble before him as he dances through his forms. They wonder openly, “Is he truly ever just one form? Or is he all forms at all times?”

He is AIB. The Alien in Black. Galaxy Defender!

In an otherworldly voice he begins to speak…"


"Basically what I struggle with is how to use my forms. Just for survivability I found myself in Dwarf most of the time and going to Nova when eclipse was up and I could use mire to boost that damage.

I'm just struggling with how to play my tri-form. Strategy and tactic tips would really be appreciated."

For now, just enjoy your time rocking out in Dwarf. Later when you have more recharge and permaeclipse blast more.

When blasting in nova on teams I would recommend trying to position yourself away from anyone on your team who might be a target for an AOE mez.

You can target through your teammates as you no doubt know. Let them take the mez for you.

In particular I recommend getting BEHIND the enemies zone of attack. Just make sure you don't aggro another group when doing this. It is a great way to avoid getting mezed.

In other words buff yourself up (with mires and eclipse when available) and then bounce to the other side of the group and blast them. Hopefully, you will not draw aggro but if you do you should have bounced far enough away from the enemies that you can switch to dwarf without issue. This is more difficult in close quarter combat but it can still be done. As the enemies are approaching you and you switch to Dwarf jump BACK into the group (presumably) where your teammates are and keep beating down enemies.



I think this has been fairly well addressed at this juncture, but I do want to add that one common thread I see often with newcomers to tri-form builds in general and to Warshades especially is an over-emphasis on playing in any one form.

When the OP asked if he/she should "play in human form when Eclipse is down" and the response given was "You are all forms at all times!", this is what was meant, but given how commonplace this paradigm problem appears to be it would seem that we have not done as well as we might have in explaining what is meant by this. Therefore, here goes:

A common pitfall I see players fall into when trying to play a tri-form or even a dual-form build is encapsulated in the question "which form should I play in"? The answer is, as noted earlier, "all of them". Often players are (understandably) used to the defined ATs from their prior experience in CoH and adopt similar approaches to what is a fundamentally different AT. They play Blaster and remain in Nova form for minutes or even missions at a time. They play Tanker and do the same in Dwarf. While this is not necessarily the "wrong" way to play, it is not the method of play advocated by a tri-former and if the player in question is trying to make a tri-form build work with that approach, frustration is all but inevitable.

The solution is to to be all things at all times, to shift forms multiple times within a single battle, always reacting to the demands of the situation. You might drop into Human form to hit Hasten, fire off Gravitic Emanation to stun the mobs, then Mire off of them and shift to Nova to lay down some quick damage, then shift to Dwarf to absorb any stuns from the surviving mobs (if any still standing have mez effects, since you would have targeted those first while in Nova). Then you might drop to Human again to fire off Circle or to use Unchain or Dark Extraction. By that time Eclispse is back up and you might lead with that and then go to town in Nova. So the answer to the earlier question would be "sometimes". You do not want to play in human form any more than you want to always be in Dwarf or in Nova, but you want to make use of the tools available in all three, changing forms whenever the situation calls for a tool available in another form.

Keep in mind that all of this shifting, kiting, mezzing and blasting is taking place in a very short amount of time. Bounce around. Ultimately the key to really being powerful in a tri-form build is mastering the timing and knowing when to shift to what - this means getting a feel for the durations of your powers and the cycles of your various attack and mez chains so that the engine of destruction that is the Tri-Form Warshade never actually needs to stop moving.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
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