morality fast track




Mecha, that's a nice list/walkthrough.

For me, it confirms my opinion that most level 50 tips are slow, as I can now see I actually did all of them. Obviously subjective and all.



That is a very nice summary/breakdown, but I do have an exception:

In reference to vill tips vis-a-vis hero tips -

and the missions you get are much less of a pain in the neck
I dunno. My hero merit farmer (Scrapper) went vill to do the patron arcs and along the way, I've been running vill tips. Now, I admit it may not be a fair comparison because I've gotten to be a hero merit machine, having runs the missions dozens of times. It still feels like hero missions are easier, simpler, that is, with less objectives. What really makes me advocate hero tips over vill is that the door locations are more consistently in the same zone. If I do my missions in either Atlas or Bricks, I know I'll stay in zone except for 2 missions that send me to a boat in IP. Vill missions make me hop between PO and GVill more than I'd like. The two morality missions are undisputably easier (simpler) for heroes.

I think it would be interesting to see a similar listing of hero tip missions, rate them for simplicity (Defeating Polar Shift and an object is 5 stars, escorting Sister Jocasta is 1, escorting General Aarons (fortunately a vig tip) is -1000) then see who has the most 4 or 5 star missions.

I absolutely grant that farming the initial tip(s) is much easier for vills, especially if there's a miners strike.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



I would do that, but I only did the "run them 'til you puke" thing with villains. Someone else would need to fill in on hero-side.