So, Are We Moving?

Adeon Hawkwood



I don't play a lot lately, but when I do, I play on Virtue. [/World's Most Interesting Doggie]



Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
For the most part I do not plan to move to the VIP for roleplay reasons. Now I may move some unplayed alts there to mke more room, or I might even create characters there I do not plan to roleplay with.

Orlock himself is sticking with Virtue..because the /ignore command is so easy to use now! Lord knows people use it on me enough! XD
Thanks for the tip!

/ignores Orlock

I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug