Bring the story (even) more to the forefront




I love how the new mission arcs have a much more cohesive story, especially everything in Praetoria and it looks like more of that is coming to the later levels in the games.

The captions that pop up can be mildly annoying at times, but overall I like the added sense of telling a story besides just through clues, NPC chatter, and contact text. They also give the game even more of a comic book feel.

However, there have been times when I've been going through a mission with a team where everyone is trying to follow the story (whether through roleplay or just to keep up for the sake of it) and when a player encounters a NPC within the mission that has dialogue and options for responses, no one but the player interacting can see it.

I don't think it's a major issue, but the option for other players to somehow see the dialogue from NPCs either in a window like the first player does or through generated in the local or NPC text fields would help tell the story better.

It's the experience that counts, not the "XP".
global @A-Tek



IMO i always lose interest in the story, maybe it's because there is no solid ground in them or it's because simple text bubbles don't do it for me but they really don't make me interested.
i'm truly a story player so that can't be it, i just like stories to be told and experienced rather then me having to read a wall of text.