The Abyss! (AE Arc 505470)




There is danger everywhere..........

Can you face it?



The Abyss is a new AE arc designed to be challenging but not impossible, can be either villain or hero. Meet old enemies such as the CoT, and new ones such as The Undead. Maps look great (I can say that, I didnt create them), and the over all feel is good. (solo'ed tank, but end arch-villain was very difficult and had to set settings for elite. However, with team, very do-able.) Level is 1-54!
Designed to be a prelude (but separate) to other arcs in the future. Feedback is encouraged. Thanks!




What level setting? 1-50?

Heroic or villain?

Meh doesn't matter I'll give it a try.



Levels 1-54, either red or blue! Added above too. Feel free to critique here. I wish to do more time to time, so feed back is important. Only thing, dont just tell me what a dookie head i am, tell me why i am a dookie head! Thanks.