A long time ago...




I've been inactive since (maybe) I14...or there abouts. You know, back in the halcyon days when everyone took fitness as a pool power and you could leave your house unlocked, your base enhancement table unprotected and share your account login with friends etc etc.

My normal play style suits brutes/stalkers/SoA's (i like to hit stuff up close and personal) but I had a rad/dark/soul corr that I used heavily when AE came out. Radicitus was my first toon on Freedom server and my 1st Corr that went all the way to 50. He REALLY worked on a team. I healed a little and irradiated more than your average melt-down at Chernobyl.

I need a little guidance as to how I go about respecing, IO'ing and starting down the Incarnate track. I've already played around a bit with a stalker and a SoA through the incarnate trials so some general tips and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I don't think finding a team to run trials with will be a problem but any tips on pets/powers could increase my popularity with league leaders...

I would post my build but it might just crash MID's when you try and import it...its THAT old.