Reactive Total Radial Conversion




So I spent some spare time last night working on my Peacebringer's


...because for some reason I'm masochistic and can't get enough spreadsheets, and I got to the point where I was trying to figure my Reactive Total Radial Conversion's average contribution to my dps. It got kind of complicated, because (A) it's a 75% chance proc for moderate fire damage, (B) it's a DoT, and (C) the in-game numbers for the power are apparently "Enables Reactive Total Radial Conversion."

Damn. Well, okay I'll be the first to admit I know almost nothing about the specifics of incarnate powers. I've run just enough trials to unlock the judgement and interface slots up to the third tier (void and reactive) and have been too busy to follow the details on the forums.

SOOO I looked up Proc Damage in Paragon Wiki and came up with a figure of 71.75 points of damage per non-purple damage proc, which - when divided by four (for the four tics of damage) meshed with my in-game combat logs.

Great. So now how to express this in dps terms? I've got a 75% chance per attack of a cascading damage tic that can stack. I think. I don't know.

At any rate, if it can stack, here's the formula I came up with:

(Max Possible Procs*damage tics)/Total Arcanatime Of Chain)*(chance to proc*total proc damage/damage tics)

For example, my Dwarf has a five attack chain of Flare-Strike-Smite-Strike-Smite that lasts 8.84 seconds (with a .26 second pause between the last two attacks). So that's five possible procs of four damage tics each. Plugging that into the first part of the equation I've got:


Which of course comes out to about 2.26. Read that as two simultaneous tics of damage per attack with a third appearing every fourth attack, provided the procs all go off.

For the damage end, I plugged in the chance to proc against the 71 points of damage thusly:

(.75*71/4) Which comes out to 13.31 (coming in somewhat below the tic damage shown in my combat logs).

With two tics of damage happening per attack, that comes out to 26.62 points of average proc damage per attack, which might be a little high.

Question one: Does the bloody thing even stack this way, or have I just wrapped my head around another pointless math exercise?

Question two: Is my head wrapped the right way? Did I get the math right?

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