Black Friday Nightclub **Grand Opening**




Black Friday is a mysterious new nightclub located in the heart of St. Martial, within the Rogue Isles.

The club features a host of amenities including lounge, dance floor, restaurant, two bars, a theater, and two V.I.P. rooms (one of which houses a Karaoke Machine). They also feature the heart-pounding sounds of DJ Apocalypse (from ).

Our Grand Opening will be on June 2nd, 2011 at 9:30pm EST (On the Virtue Server).

Please join us in making this a truly Grand Opening!

For V.I.P reservations, please contact Dusk Grey (or @Cailloux).



Tonight is the grand opening! I hope people will stop in and enjoy our exclusive venue.

Look for the giant Troll near the base portal in St. Martial.