May Producer's Letter

Second Measure



One of the most common questions we are asked as developers here at Paragon Studios is what existing content we are going to update in the future. A lot of our legacy content is still getting played regularly, and it’s content we love. Those early missions and zones and features set the tone for everything we still do today. But over recent years, we’ve also chosen to update some signature gameplay to demonstrate who we have become to new players, as well as reinforcing who we have been in the past to our old friends. The Positron Task Force revamped in Issue 17 is one great example. I remember very well the first time I ran the original Posi TF in 2004. I was excited to see so many villain groups and to travel around the world: I truly felt like I was part of an important and evolving story. But that Task Force also took what could be politely called a significant investment of time to play, and it was missing a few key features, like, say, the dam you were trying to protect (a dam we had added many issues after launch, in an issue that was itself centered around updated content, come to think of it). So we revisited the Positron Task Force and updated it, bringing it more in line with the changes we had made to the game over the ensuing years.

On the other hand, our commitment to ever expanding content is one of the things on which we pride ourselves, and that commitment has helped us achieve phenomenal success over the last seven years. In addition to the Positron revamp, Issue 17 had some of the most thrilling new missions we have added yet. Issue 19 updated the Monorails and Ferries and brought back the Calvin Scott Task Force due to popular demand, but it likewise had some great new features and missions. In any particular issue we may focus more on new content or on content updates. This is not an indication of a change in the big picture, but rather an indication of an opportunity we have identified to add more value to the game for new players and our existing Community alike.

The value we are adding to the game is in offering more viable choices for how players can spend their time in City of… When we updated Faultline, our goal was to ensure that there were good reasons to go to an underused zone, giving you more gameplay and more reasons to explore. When we updated the Positron TF, we wanted give new players and old players alike a more engaging challenge, increasing your ability to find a group for an important gameplay experience.

One of the drawbacks of updating existing content is that the original content is replaced. When we make these updates, we go to great lengths to avoid permanently removing things from the game. Fortunately, the Menders of Ouroboros give you the ability to experience some of this legacy content in its original state, or near to, and you can still play the old version of Story Arcs or Task and Strike Forces if you wish. When we must remove content, we try to bring it back when we have the technology or a great idea about how to make it work. In recent years we have revived the Cathedral of Pain and the Calvin Scott Task Force after long hiatuses. I certainly can’t promise that we won’t ever need to remove something from the game, but we give a great deal of consideration to the ways we can keep familiar favorites around when the time comes to make a change. In the end, if we can keep something around without sacrificing our ability to improve the game, we make every effort.

Last month I let you know that the next issue features a new zone, and I’m very excited about how it is coming together. We are also going to be making improvements to our early gameplay experience, starting with updates to some of the lower level zones. I wanted to share the specifics, however Black Pebble threatened my life if I divulged the details. That being said, we’ll have more information in the coming weeks!

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