Kat/WP Build - Seeking Your Guidance =)





I put together a Katana/WP build that I think is workable, or close. This is the first scrapper IO'd build I have ever tried to get together, so it may be a hair off or even way off. From just looking at the totals it appears to be "cap-ish"? (/em shoulder shrugging)

I tried to avoid purples, I only have the Rag KB one in there just because. I think I got most of the key uniques in here, but may have missed something in the fracas.

A good deal of the choices were based off of various kat or wp (but not necessarily kat/wp) builds I have seen around the forums, so if you recognize a snippet of your build here or there, it probably came from something you posted!

Please let me know if you have any tweaks or suggestions or I have screwed something up royally.

Thanks for any and all advice!

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



You aren't capped. You have Vengeance turned on. But, you're good as far as totals go. If you can smack DA once and hit cap, that's your goal.

I, and most people, slot CI w the Heel proc in GC. This assumes you'll spam it alot, but I tend to hit the T8 and T9 more with DA. I'm defense-paranoid that way. I've also never really thought that the proc was that important. Considering some of the other goals you seem to have in slotting, just doing the first three of Mako would work, then Franken and proc.

I slot 3 Aegis in HPT for the E/N. I wouldn't build for a 6% heal enhancement as RttC is severly overpowered [and really should be nerfed. shh.]

MoB, again, I slot 3 Aegis and get my Steadfast +3 out of the way early.

I tend to slot the Rectified Reticule in one of my build ups.

Noticed you didn't put the Kismet +6 acc in anywhere. Since you put four slots of LotG into Weave to get the 9%, I kinda don't get this. I consider that key on all my toons.

Triple slotting Hasten gets you eight seconds. Your choice really.

You're really into defense, but you didn't put any -ToHit into RttC. RttC is gold, man. One slot gets you 1% defense-equivalent to all. I also slot a taunt, the more baddies in your orbit the better. It's not like they'll hit your or anything.

I'm assuming the triple in QR is a mistake.

As for slotting Boxing, you are a Katana, and the same goes for BS, I'd put the slots elsewhere. You're going to be topped on Melee/Lethal ASAP.

Woot, Aegis in Tough. I'd do the CI in Soaring also.

Heightened Senses isn't a mule. Throwing two more commons in there gets you about 4.5 more def to ENFC. That is really worth it. And I say 4.3 rather than just four because all your LotG +7.5s will be level 25. The reason you do this is if you are ever playing below 47, you can kiss that 37.5% rech goodbye.

For Lotus and Dragonfly, I know Oblits are nice, but I like to slot a mix of Cleaving Blow [1,3,and 4] and Erad [1,2,and 4]. This gets you 90%ish on Rech, Dam, and Acc, plus 4.5% E/N. So that's 9% just there.

I wouldn't put GSFC in Tactics. Again, it's because of the AT. Two ToHits would work. Don't feel you need to put endurance reduction in everything. You've got QR and Stamina and two PS procs. I really dislike GSFC in general. Don't know why I'm bitter against it, I just am.

Mu epic is cool, though the performance shifter proc doesn't make sense there. It'll only have it's chance when fired. And you're Recovery is already at 217%. Posi minus the triple is my thought. Maybe throw a range in there if I've got slots lying around.

Putting one heal common in Health will get you 16% more regen. That's a pretty good deal for one slot.

SS rather than SJ would allow you to slot Celerity Stealth and ghost through missions. Pick up a Raptor pack for vertical movement, or that's what I do. That said, Ninja Run rocks too. I fly because I like to chat or rearrange insps, etc, while commuting.

But, there's no bad kat/Wp builds as kat/wp is godlike regardless. These are just my thoughts.

Edited to remove my old school, and horrible, Kat/WP as-built which is embarrassingly built.



Thanks for taking the time to respond.

I feel like such a moron for having vengeance toggled. /facepalm I thought capping was a bit too easy, and was like, shouldn't I need to have to hit DA? So, thanks for that first and foremost.

The reason you see mistakes is pure ignorance. I am going to try to absorb the advice, an repost tightened up build later today when I have a chance.



Oh, buddy, don't worry. I posted my kat/wp build and then took a look at it in mids. It's horrible. Hell, I double slotted fly in fly. I am very fond of my DA slotting though. I didn't mention how to slot that as there are entire threads on that.

Level 8: Divine Avalanche Mako-Acc/Dmg:50(A), Mako-Dmg/Rchg:50(21), LkGmblr-Def/Rchg:50(23), RedFtn-Def/Rchg:50(23), DefBuff-I:50(25), Dmg-I:50(25)



Crap... see below... I accidentally posted the wrong data chunk =(



Get that unique out of vengeance and put it in an auto. Also, that proc in ball lightning is going to do nothing, and might actually give endurance to it's target.

Otherwise, what I said earlier is how I do it...or would if I did it right. Mine's a mess.



Argh! I posted the wrong data chunk. There was literally no change in that chunk. =(

If you would be so kind, this is the right data chunk incorporating a good deal of the feedback.

Sorry for the wild goose chase... please check it out. I checked the import and this is the right one.

Same issue still applies, getting close, much better attacks.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |



Recharge on the build up is a little slow. You could steal a slot from Mu Bolts for it. Thunderstrike works well with just four, and the bonus for five is kinda lame.

Ha, my hokey slotting on DA. Neat to see that. I'll see if I can find the entire thread about how others slot theirs as my way is very unpopular, but I don't see any other reason to do it different.

Very nice. Better than mine, that's for sure. Though I'd swap out some of the defense slots for the LotG +7.55 rech, but that's cause I keep some stored. Though, arguably, Kat doesn't really need it so much.

Let me see if I can find that individual thread on DA I started long ago.

Here: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=215288 Of note is that I was slotting it differently, focusing on recharge more then, which I realize is a silly thing to go for in a /wp now.



Thanks for responding again! I will take this latest round of advice and fiddle.



I'm respeccing mine into Weapons Mastery for the caltrops as Reactive Interface is insane with caltrops. Here's my plan.

I'm thinking of ditching the health uniques becaue she's got 700%ish recharge. I mean, what's the point. And there's no way on earth I can use 3.2ish end/second. So, there's that.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6553DB6E1251143D0383585A5A28C5D21B054AA1A5650 AB1CFFAD06AA2965A5|
|36DBD864CE8699964324C0692D6377FA06A5AA34FBEFA09C6 F8E6E768BCFD80C13D|
|7B1DB08609649DD97BAD7DF6ACB34FED6473448817D78536B A619BED767DB7E199A|
|E2BBD50CD3CB21AB1FB9E7562658E331BA6DDF15A6E3B2C84 48F638F59AB4A534EE|
|981DD331A7FBD14D79289DB634F62DDB765BC7D28BDF729AD 2934EC7E82D223BAD9|
|66DECBA521E8CF0724B9AAEE51C45F9E5A675D4ECD0DB582F 7520BD76D37213375C|
|AB61EC13B5E5D46B66BB23BDE7296A6891FEA77E67FC74436 28B20270235C036837|
|E177040501597BE048448883D5FA5295545E34C95E1F23A20 CFF408203649C139F1|
|32AC44A4D2BE06FC50E41BC3C87780CDF4D116C061D827551 07B0582D82B86BDC6B|
|1D7432284400886F69079C03081ED15E488175685C22B1CBA F23F106108043194A4|
|454ABCA6D0B0A671CBC308A526B8766A9861BAC9D2E94386D 9398647A48AAA9DA25|
|0CDC618D27F840F8F893086B2FAD83D2E9446CB69F49AF918 60F8CC7046F4B8322E|
|0EE332302E0BE3B2302E0BE31660DC135225541789775C68E 10C906182468424CA8|
|A64971E11A4C8A4924CC2EB3CBC2EC0EB73224C41A24F615C 0A189702C6A5887129|
|C2D1A7449F51473313E30AC538C3325C5C863BAFC2FE5760D F39489701A5F73C706|
|F8830AF1C9887032538508203AB7060150EACC2816761BF17 5669B973FEF4F22983|
|4E9945D5D8221A2BA3B1321A5B4363421762495558FAC467B 7F6813371AAB0A2AC5|
|A41852A2A5451619C08869A26238B41A45045195E496362F4 FEFDA39F7F06F37AFF|
|6E754B03D9CA40A43A10B93A10591F886C5D8C94B9951DBD7 F3D8506F7876274F71|
|0EAFE88505A7D8F06C5AF7FA180769B1645B186F9AD5EE31B FFF3A2668933BF2F6A|



Reactive is getting "fixed".