Ice Control-Flash Freeze: Are the GFX broken?




Yeah no one takes sleeps but I do.

Can anyone tell me if the GFX for Flash Freeze are working correctly?

I can't seem to customize the color, and when used on Mobs, the ice FX appear for like 1 second, then disappear.

The sleep works but there are no graphics to indicate the mobs are slept.

Is this intended? I want to find out before submitting a bug report.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




It's been a long time since I used Flash Freeze, but I do clearly remember that the "Waist High Ice Prison" graphics persisted for the duration of the sleep effect.

So yes, it's broken if it's working like you describe.

Mission Arc: Metatronic Mayhem (Id 1750): A tale of robots gone wrong, rogue robots gone right, and madmen gone every which way but loose.