Lore of Earth SC: Well of the Furies




So we all live on Primal Earth and most of us are familiar with the alternate Praetorian Earth. I have, through diligent research and no small amount of poking my nose in where it doesn't belong, discovered yet another variation of our world out there in the multiverse.

It is called Earth SC.

Like other versions of Earth, it's history differs in slight ways from that of ours here on Primal Earth. I have journeyed there and brought back their history and discovered the first of many significant differences.

So, it is with pride that I present to you the Earth SC version of how Marcus Cole and Stefan Richter came to discover and drink from the Well of the Furies.

Marcus sat on the ground nearby, watching his best friend Stefan laboriously lift and toss aside a series of very heavy looking rocks. Stefan was sweating profusely and uttering a steady litany of swears and complaints under his breath as he labored. Marcus glanced up into the hot noon sun and considered moving to an area that was better shaded.

“You know,” Stefan grunted, carrying a particularly large and dirt caked rock past his friend. “You COULD lend a hand with these.”

“Sorry, can’t,” Marcus replied and issued a series of weak, fake coughs. “Mustard gas from the war you know. Lungs can’t take any sort of prolonged exertion.” He watched Stefan carry his heavy load several more yards and dump it with a strained sound of effort. “While you’re up… mind bringing me the canteen? I’m parched.”

Stefan passed Marcus a half full canteen at a rather excessive velocity. The sound it made when it hit the prone man brought Stefan a great deal of satisfaction.

“Hey! I said bring it not wing it!”

Stefan walked back to the rock pile. “This is why the rest of our unit left, you know. They all got this sneaking suspicion that you were faking it and taking advantage of their generosity.”

“I thought they left because of your bad attitude,” Marcus retorted, taking a swig from the canteen.

“Six of one, half dozen of the other,” Stefan shrugged. He levered another rock out of the way and leaned down to peer into the hole it had revealed. “Well, well, well… found another cave.”

“Maybe it’s the one we’ve been looking for!” Recovering remarkably from his apparent illness, Marcus hopped to his feet and jogged over to stand beside his friend. He bent to peer into the darkness beyond.

The daylight didn’t reach that far into the space beyond the small hole Stefan had made, revealing only a flat stone floor, too flat to be entirely natural. Encouraged by this, Marcus “bravely” ignored his infirmity and helped widen the opening. Soon they were able to shoulder their way into the cave proper, first tossing through several torches and spelunking equipment.

They traveled deeper into the cave, lit torches held high as they moved slowly, keeping an eye out for drop offs or potential weak points in the ceiling or walls. Their fears appeared to have been groundless however, as the cave was obviously not only natural but very well made. Every twenty feet or so supporting buttresses of some strange metal neither could identify extended from the floor to brace the ceiling.

The place had an eerie quality to it. In every other cave they’d explored during their quest, they’d felt the sullen and slightly oppressive silence of the earth pressing in all around them. This tunnel, however, was anything but silent. They could hear something that sounded a little like running water and a little like crystal wind chimes in the distance ahead of them.

“Maybe that’s a good sign,” Marcus said, trying to peer past the darkness beyond the undulating reach of their torches. “The Well Water could sound like that, couldn’t it?”

“It could sound like Leprechauns burping out Mozart for all we know,” Stefan said sourly, casting an irritated look at his friend. “Now will you please shut up? Hearing you talk once is bad enough, but with all the echoes in this place I feel like I’m listening to a whole platoon of you.”

“Hey, you shouldn’t talk to me like that. I’m dying you know.”

“You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”

Their bickering was cut off as the tunnel they’d been following suddenly split off into two directions, at perfect right angles. Marcus stepped out of the entry tunnel, trying to see if anything was visible in either direction. The moment his foot struck the floor of the intersected passage, the strange metallic columns lit with a bright, eldritch green light. They blinked painfully against that new luminescence, shielding their eyes with their hands until their vision cleared.

“Hey!” cried Marcus in victory. He reached behind him and grabbed Stefan by the sleeve, tugging urgently. “There it is! We’ve made it! I see a Well down this tunnel!”

“Well, crap,” Stefan muttered.

“Huh?” Marcus didn’t turn, unable to drag his eyes from staring raptly at the prize they’d spent the last months striving towards. “Can’t you lose your doom and gloom attitude for once in your darned life? I mean, I’m standing here looking at my salvation and all you can say is ‘well crap’? I just told you I’ve found the Well!”

“Yeah, so have I,” Stefan said through gritted teeth. “There’s another one down the other passage way as well.”

It was true. There appeared to be two Wells, approximately twenty yards apart, one down each of the tunnels. They decided to go examine one of them and discovered, much to their consternation, that when they reached it they could see yet another Well twenty yards further down the passage.

“What the hell is this,” Marcus muttered. “Wells R Us?” He bent and examined the Well for a few moments, going over every square inch of it while Stefan stood staring into space and thinking.

“It could be that the Water of the Furies is actually an underground river,” he mused. “And that each of these Wells accesses it, just a different point along its path.”

Marcus straightened from examining the well’s upper wall with a satisfied smile on his face. “This is definitely the Well of the Furies,” he said. “It has a little plaque on it saying so.”

“Excellent!” Stefan rubbed his hands together eagerly. “Let’s drink some, shall we?”

They dropped a pail tied to the end of a long rope down into the gaping maw and were rewarded with a distant sounding splash after only a few moments. They drew it back up to find the pail half full of clear, cool water.

They grinned at each other in excitement over the top of the pail and dipped their canteen cups into it simultaneously.

“To Health,” Marcus said.

“To Power,” Stefan responded.

They drank.

“Whoa,” Marcus said after a moment. He felt strange, as though something under his flesh was trying desperately to get out. He began to itch all over in maddening little rushes. It became so irritating and pervasive he began obsessively digging at the itching patches with his claws.

Wait a minute. Claws?

He stared down at his hands to discover that not only did two inch curved claws extend from each of his fingertips, he also seemed to be covered entirely in soft, dense orange and black striped fur. He felt at his face to discover it was decidedly not its usual shape; he seemed to have grown a muzzle and, he discovered by running his tongue over them, very long pointy teeth.

“Holy crap, I’ve turned into a cat!”

“Actually, half human, half cat to be precise,” came a growling voice behind him.

Marcus turned and saw a huge hulking humanoid canine before him. Before he could think he arched his back at the creature, all his fur standing on end and his tail fluffing out to twice its normal size. He hissed at the dog-thing and batted at it with his claw.

“Stop that!” Stefan said crossly. “It’s me you idiot!”

“Oh, sorry,” Marcus said contritely, and proceeded to try to pat down all the fur on his body that was still standing on end. “Is THIS what the Well of the Furies is supposed to do?”

Stefan brushed by him and peered at the plaque Marcus had found. Upon reading it he went very still and went through his usual routine of counting to ten. When he spoke his words were strained and delivered one at a time in painfully measured tones.

“Marcus,” he said. “How many R’s does the word Furies have in it?”

“I dunno,” Marcus said with a careless shrug. “I never did do very well at those spelling bee things in school.”

“It has one… just one.” Stefan pointed with a finger that trembled from the rage he barely kept in check. “This plaque has two R’s on it. You MORON! You just had us drink from the Well of the Furries!”

“Well, that explains the new look anyway,” Marcus said, backing away from his enraged friend with both hands held up in front of him. “Hey! Calm down! We just have to find the right Well and we’ll be right as rain! Now that we know they’re properly marked it should be a snap!”

“Fine,” Stefan ground out. “But I’LL be the one to verify we have the right one.”

After perhaps an hour of searching they managed to find the correct Well of the Furies. Before that however, they realized that the wells apparently were arranged alphabetically. They had wandered down the wrong passageway and were doubling back after discovering another well that had begun with the letters “F-U-“.

“Boy,” Marcus said. “Good thing we didn’t drink from THAT Well first…”

“Shut up, Marcus.”

“I mean, with just the two of us here lord only knows how its effects would have manifested.”

“Shut UP, Marcus!”

They drew up the water and looked at each other for a moment before dipping in their cups once more.

“To Power,” said Stefan.

“To not changing into anything weirder than a tiger,” said Marcus.

They drank the water and immediately felt the power course through their bodies. They floated up off the ground, each rotating slowly in mid air as cascades of light and energy blossomed and faded around them. When they touched back to earth both of them had resumed their natural forms, not even a hint of fur or whisker.

“I’m truly sorry, Marcus,” Stefan said in commiseration. “I know you didn’t want to change into something weirder than a tiger.”

“Huh? But I’m back to being my old self ag… HEY!”

Stefan knelt down and picked up a loose stone from the cave floor. He held it in one hand and closed his fingers around it. The stone pulverized into powder with a sharp crack.

“Power,” he hissed exultantly. “I have become powerful!”

Marcus took several deep breaths, a wide smile growing on his face. “The Agent Orange effects are gone! I don’t have that annoying tickle in the back of my throat anymore!”

“Wait a minute,” Stefan growled, turning around to glare at his friend. “You mean all those times I did all the work. All those times you claimed you were mere moments from death… and all you had was a little tickle at the back of your throat?!”

“Well…” Marcus said, looking around anywhere except into Stefan’s eyes. “It was a really… er… REALLY annoying tickle.”

They made their way out of the cave network and to the surface once more. It had passed to night while they were underground and the full moon hung high over head, casting its pale illumination upon the world below.

“So,” Stefan said, inhaling the crisp air deeply. “Now that you are healthy and possessed of god-like powers, what are you going to do?”

“Well,” Marcus said pensively. “I could kill you now to stop your plans of world domination. But then I’d probably be convinced of might making right and follow that philosophy until I saved the world single handedly. Then I’d become delusional and believe I was the only one who had a clear vision of what a perfect world should be. Then I’d become some sort of ego-maniacal dictator who ruled with an iron fist and wanted to spread my empire through out the known universe. There by, ironically, turning into the very person I’d destroyed here tonight in the first place.”

Stefan stared at him for a few long, silent moments.

“What the F**K was that all about?!”

“Just sayin’, is all…” Marcus looked around distractedly. “Actually, my uncle has a nice place in Rhode Island. I haven’t seen him since before the war, maybe I’ll drop by for a visit. You’re welcome to come along if you want.”

“Nah,” Stefan said. “I’ve been craving some ocean air lately. I think I’ll spend some time Island hopping, see if I can find a native girl who’s feeling restless.”

Marcus laughed and reached out his hand. After a moment Stefan extended his own. They clasped grips warmly and shook, both smiling broadly.

“Well, I’m out of this dump,” Marcus said. “If you’re ever up Rhode Island way give me a call and we’ll go have a beer.”

“Count on it,” Stefan replied.

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw