Some wisdom needed




I've been a long time casual player and i'm just coming back off a long break. In short i've never really been one for TFs and the general higher end of the scale. I've started doing TFs with my friends now that the incarnate system is here but i cant help but feel a bit lackluster.

To get to the point does anyone have any advice on how to MMs to a good place for TFs and the likes?

Currently playing thugs/poison but I welcome any information as a whole on MMs as they are my favourite AT also any set pairings people feel are best suited to that kind of content and why?

Thanks in advance.



Originally Posted by Hunter6 View Post
I've been a long time casual player and i'm just coming back off a long break. In short i've never really been one for TFs and the general higher end of the scale. I've started doing TFs with my friends now that the incarnate system is here but i cant help but feel a bit lackluster.

To get to the point does anyone have any advice on how to MMs to a good place for TFs and the likes?

Currently playing thugs/poison but I welcome any information as a whole on MMs as they are my favourite AT also any set pairings people feel are best suited to that kind of content and why?

Thanks in advance.
I can't speak to thugs/poison but I'll talk about MMs in general.

My experience with TFs is that MMs are great on kill-alls and horrible on speedruns.

If the team stealths straight to the objectives the MM either dismisses his pets or they get killed along the way, possibly bringing in a big pile of aggro as a bonus.

But if the team kills everything along the way to the objective MMs shine. Your buffs/debuffs are helping teammates as well as your pets, and your teammates' buffs/debuffs are helping the pets. Your pets are doing decent damage and helping to spread the aggro.

Ship raids are another good fit for MMs, not so much the pylons but on the ship and in the bowl.

I've never played poison so I'll just say that it seems to be deadly against single strong targets, but of course much of the game involves big crowds.

I can recommend bots/traps and necro dark as very strong in the endgame. I've got lowbie demons/storm and thugs/traps MMs and they seem pretty good as well.

My only caution about robots is that they're a late bloomer, at level 32 you go from zero to hero.

Good luck and have fun, remember that you don't need to run a purpled munchkin toon to enjoy yourself.



Originally Posted by Hunter6 View Post
I've been a long time casual player and i'm just coming back off a long break. In short i've never really been one for TFs and the general higher end of the scale. I've started doing TFs with my friends now that the incarnate system is here but i cant help but feel a bit lackluster.

To get to the point does anyone have any advice on how to MMs to a good place for TFs and the likes?

Currently playing thugs/poison but I welcome any information as a whole on MMs as they are my favourite AT also any set pairings people feel are best suited to that kind of content and why?

Thanks in advance.
Exactly how long was this break? The average skill of nearly all players continuously increases, and with the introduction of Alignment Merits, you'll see many more people with high end builds capable of outperforming casual builds (not to insult your build, which I haven't even seen, just speaking generally).

As for said needed wisdom, I approach teaming w/ MMs as pretending to be a very sturdy Defender: I keep all but two of my pets in BodyGuard mode and focus more on buffing/debuffing. This works out nicely for you as /poison, since you'll have the powers to make +4 bosses purr like -5 kittens

Also, a tactic that I learned not too long ago for dealing with speed runs? Put your pets on Passive/Stay. They will stand at the entrance until you slow down somewhere a certain distance from them. I've found this to be very useful on LRSF speed runs, especially the first mission. This tactic is even better if you pick up Grant Invisibility.



Thanks for the info so far. To be blunt i've never really been one for the max level content, until now i've primarily just leveled a toon then moved on and started a new one so i've never been one to do much with build. So following from that i dont really have an build in the sense of IO sets ect.

The break btw was roughly 6 months but as i said i've never really been a regularly for the max level content so the skill deficit is much more.