Energy Blast/Thermal Radiation Corruptor




Hey, complete n00b here. Well...n00b as far as PvP goes. I've been soloing and doing minor teamwork with an EB/Therm Corruptor for quite a while now, and while looking around for other things to do a friend suggested I use one of my alternate builds to give PvP a try. I decided to do a bit of research first, though, and I can't see if much has really been said as to the effectiveness of EB (although Thermal Radiation seems to have a decent amount of fans.) Is it a sub-par primary for PvP?

I think my question I'm prepared to die a few dozen times when I get started anyway, would it be worth my time to make a secondary PvP spec, or should I just charge in blindly with what I've got and assume that I'll see largely the same results?



Its damage will be subpar. It can be ok-ish if you proc it enough. It'll never be great at anything but it could be useful for casual stuff.