Defenders of Guardian Server
I hear there is some funky stuff happening in Steel Canyon.
*Wait you heard it too?* Dangit! I pay that posi guy good money to hear things first! I am so sending a Repo guy for that suit of his. GOSH!
Anyways....since we all seem to know whats going on in Steel Canyon, lets all like get together and stuff to umm stop it.
The Call is going out to all Defenders of Guardian server!!!
We need you to stop an evil plot developing in Steel Canyon. We will be meeting at Positron at 2:00pm EST. THe goal....Positron TF Part 1.
So Defenders! Lend me your rads, your bubblers, and your Empaths!
*Small submission....I guess you can bring anything else, Posi keeps telling me not to discriminate...WHO IS HE TO TELL ME HOW TO RUN MY LIFE?*
Greetings Guardianites!
I am pleased to announce the formation of a new Server Chat Channel. The Defenders of Guardian is a channel devoted to defenders.
Use this Channel for forming all Defender TFs, TIPS mishes, teams, etc.
I will be hosting all Defender TFs every Monday afternoon starting at 2:00 pm EST. Please send me an ingame email or PM for an invite to the channel.