EB/Kin corrupter




yes another question/request thread!
i made a corrupter today PAXON (yes thats right a pacman toon) and im wondering if/how an energy blast/kinetics corrupter would "manage" in pvp and if it remotely can if i could get a mids build?.

i read one of the LONG letters about how i13 destroyed pvp and i was wondering if the devs made any effort yet? also i am very new to pvp. despite me being a 72 month vet i've only ever tried pve and was wondering if i could get some tips for future builds?

p.s. im sorry for the list of questions but im clueless wen it comes to pvp oh and speaking of pacman has anyone noticed mako up in the top right corner of the coh picture, looks like hes down for dots =P.



For starting off into pvp I recommend starting on a blaster or stalker..or a corr/def with a reliable self heal

Don't start off on a scrap/tank/brute as they create bad habits

Build for +hp (get ur accos) and put profs in your attacks

Constantly stay mobile



oh ty, i did some research and i made a phy/EM blaster, how does that sound?