Solo Dom Ideas




Hey all, I was thinking of making a primarily ranged solo Dom that I could have fun leveling with as I don't have much time for grouping any more. Does anyone have an suggestions for me to try out?



Anything/nrg fits the bill. The knockback is good mitigation, and most of the attacks are ranged. Don't be afraid to take the melee ranged ones though, they pack a nice wallop.



elec/psi seems like itd be solo friendly, between Conductive aura and drain psyche you sould have some good Regen. I made one the other day



That would kind of go away from the whole ranged idea, but it could work. Anyone have any experience here? Do the regen values of these two make for a good solo toon?



Mind/Fire is a solid ranged Dominator.



Plant/anything.....especially after seeds of confusion. You can solo easily and pretty much have a utility power for just about any non AV situation.

My level 50 Dominators:
Madame Mindbender 50 Mind/Energy
Fly Agaric 50 Plant/Thorn
Nate Nitro 50 Fire/Psi



Mind is an excellent solo set, it's got the best collection of single target mezzes going, some very useful AOE mezzes for a soloer (AOE Sleep and Fear Cone are fantastic solo) and it's also pure ranged.

NRG is a very hard hitting secondary and almost entirely single target so a Mind/NRG could solo with ease by locking down the entire spawn with a Sleep and then holding (or confusing) a target before smashing it to bits with ranged and/or melee attacks.

Plant is a different kettle o fish. A bit of a one-trick pony with Seeds (which is godly and comes really early) but average single target mezzes. It's a bit of an AOE beast though, the AOE immob does decent damage and Creepers loves a crowd. Plant/Fire would be a godly combo, but maybe not an ideal soloer (just because it's got so much AOE potential).



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
Plant/Fire would be a godly combo, but maybe not an ideal soloer (just because it's got so much AOE potential).
I would argue that this is what makes it such a good soloer. You can start cranking up the number of enemies you fight as soon as you start getting a good number of slots into Roots, Fire Breath and Seeds of Confusion.

In fact, outside of a couple indoor mission maps that split spawns into sub-groups, Seeds makes it far more efficient to fight at at least x3 than at the default x1. And since most enemies like to run into melee range of each other if you wait a couple seconds after Seedsing the enemies (ya know, to use Embrace of Fire maybe?) before you Roots/Fire Breath, you'll catch the majority of the mob in your Fire Breath leaving you with plenty of confuse time to either wait for Fire Breath and Roots to recharge or just single target the rest to death.

Just need to be careful with groups that can resist confuse like Nemesis, the LT level of RIP (The Rippers), and the aura that most Longbow Wardens emanate. Of course, that's where Vines/Spore Burst or leading with Creepers/Fly Trap comes into play.

Beowulf -
Too many Alts, not enough 50's. Story of my life...



Originally Posted by Blighted_Dream View Post
Hey all, I was thinking of making a primarily ranged solo Dom that I could have fun leveling with as I don't have much time for grouping any more. Does anyone have an suggestions for me to try out?
If you want to play at range, then I'd recommend avoiding the following:

Control Sets - rely on melee range controls
elec (not as bad as the other two)

Assault Sets - heavy melee emphasis
/elec (not so bad but the lack of 3rd ST attack puts it at the bottom of range list for me)
/psi (2 best powers are melee... although it has an inherent range boost, so it could go either way)

Please buff Ice Control.



Honestly any dominator can solo just about anything in the game (excluding AV's in most situations... my permadom plant/psi can take out quite a few AV's but it takes a little prep work prior to the fight. you know... shivans/nukes/insps.... And she is barely permadom... 4 seconds of stacked domination, but she has good defence/resistance for a dom as well.)

If you are looking to solo +1-+2/x8 there are a few great combinations for it!
Plant/Psi - Seeds/Drain Psyche/Roots/Creepers/PSW are your bread and butter.
Plant/Fire - Seeds/Combustion/Creepers
Plant/Thorn - Seeds/Fling Thorns/Thorntrops/Creepers

Fire/Psi - Flashfire/Hotfeet/Drain Psyche/Fire Cages/PSW
Fire/Fire - Flashfire/Hotfeet/Combustion
Fire/Thorn - Flashfire/Fling Thorns/Thorntrps/Hotfeet

As far as taking on smaller mobs, AoE's help, in fact they dominate. Not nearly as fun though.



The only set I'd really only go all ranged with is /Fire, even then I'd miss Incinerate.





You can sleep the whole mob and pick them off one by one with your massive ST DMG.



Originally Posted by Hot_Head_Mike View Post

You can sleep the whole mob and pick them off one by one with your massive ST DMG.
This man speaks the truth.
My mind/energy is an awesome soloer.



Originally Posted by Blighted_Dream View Post
Hey all, I was thinking of making a primarily ranged solo Dom that I could have fun leveling with as I don't have much time for grouping any more. Does anyone have an suggestions for me to try out?
Yep, Mind/Energy is a great solo class. Mind Control has a ton of single-target control that's good for soloing and /Energy is a great Single-target set, and it has a good balance of mitigation and damage with its Knockback and Power Boost. The best selling point of Mind/ for soloing is Confuse, which is an aggro-free hard control that you can stack as much as you want on tough enemies without retaliation. You can Confuse an Elite Boss, have him get rid of his entourage, then switch to Holds without ever being attacked.

For a secondary, I'd say /Fire and /Energy are about equal, Fire for damage, Energy for survivability.



It seems to me Dom melee powers are too good to play a Dom ranged...



at this point there aren't really any bad dom assault sets.
reasons to be melee as a dom
Some of the hardest hitting dom attacks are melee
dom's getting a higher melee modifier
some powers such as drain psyche are best leveraged in melee range
with their controls, being in melee usually isn't a problem.
With that said,
If I were to make a range only dom, i'd go either fire or energy assault

primary wise, i'd stay away from grav, since it matures late, but other than the other sets are fine, but i'd stay away from specific combo's, i.e. ice/energy might have a problem since your not using AA, and pose a danger of knocking critters off your ice slick, or the fact that plant you really do need a nice cone to leverage seeds the best if your staying in range.

Just for the record, the number one reason why I love plant, isn't seeds, its creepers, its just a fun power to watch in action.



I like elec/stone.

Static field is your endurance recharge and opening attack (actually synaptic overload at higher levels).
With some recharge, your chaining Sleet (Ice), Fissure, Tremor, and Jolting chain. Throw in some Chain fences every now and then to keep things close. Got a boss in that group? No problem, Powerboost with Tesla Cage and Seismic Smash if your not permadom.

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Originally Posted by Necromatic View Post
I like elec/stone.

Static field is your endurance recharge and opening attack (actually synaptic overload at higher levels).
With some recharge, your chaining Sleet (Ice), Fissure, Tremor, and Jolting chain. Throw in some Chain fences every now and then to keep things close. Got a boss in that group? No problem, Powerboost with Tesla Cage and Seismic Smash if your not permadom.
Undeniably good combo, but he asked for range-only, and /Stone is a terrible set for range-only.