Rogue Isles Hamidon Raid, 12/18/10, 3 PM Pacific, 6 PM Eastern




Rogue Isles Hamidon Raid in the Abyss.

Saturday, December 18th, 3 PM Pacific (4 PM Mountain, 5 PM Central, 6 PM Eastern).

NOTE: There will not be a "scheduled" raid on December 24th

kidengineer will be leading the raid/coordinating the teams.

The usual Yellow Mito taunt team leader will not be available, can you (*cough* Hyperstrike *cough*) help out?

A few points to remember:
* The Abyss is restricted to level 45+ Vigilantes, Villains, and Rogues.
* The raid team leaders will use the Request channel to coordinate the teams. Please monitor the channel for instructions, but do not use it unless you are one of the raid team leaders
* It will hold 50 villains, if the Abyss fills up, do not leave the zone, there is no guarantee you'll get back into that instance.
* The Hamidon will spawn (bloom) 3 sets of Mitos at (75%, 50%, and 25%), in addition to the mitos that initially spawn with him.
* After Hamidon is defeated you will have the option of selecting 53 Reward Merits or a random Hamidon Origin Enhancement if you are level 47+, or 4 Incarnate Shards if you have the alpha slot unlocked.

If you can, please acquire Biological Mutagen warhead/nuke from Warburg prior to the raid. They help tremendously.

We may attempt a completely evac-less raid, depending on attendance.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Originally Posted by Major_T View Post
The usual Yellow Mito taunt team leader will not be available, can you (*cough* Hyperstrike *cough*) help out?
If you want, I will. My only problem is I have no tank/brute at that level red-side. I can coordinate it from one of my other L50's though.

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