Going back to time.




Greetings to everyone !

At first, i'm sorry for any typo, i'm french. ^^

Me and my European Super-Group* "Les Piliers de l'Equilibre" have just released our new tool, and we're presenting it to the community. Here is the "Cox Log Reader", that allows anyone to read back any information that the game have displayed : chat, events, power stastistics, NPCs, all those babbling text rolling on the bottom left.

* That may be translated as "The Equilibrium Pillars", actually 3 SGs called "Equilibrium Guardians", "Equlibrium Disciples" and the "Seekers of Chaos".

With, and that is what it's all about, displaying and filtering possibilities.

This tool is completely free, without ad of course. Build for us, we're offering it to the whole community.

The following little film will tell more than me, and clearer than me ^^

In french and english, on Windows only.


How to install:
Unzip where you want and use it.

How to activate log files in City of heroes/villains ?
Refer to your options. If anyone of you can submit here an picture with the english menus, i'll be thankfull !