SH Sunday - 12-12-2010




The Sisterhood Sunday Event for Sunday, December 12, 2010 is the Mender Silos Task Force, "Trading Places"

Sunday, December 12, 2010

12:00 Noon PDT, 2:00 PM CDT, 3:00 PM EDT

The Mender Silos Task Force is one of three Ouroboros Task Forces. This Task Force can be completed solo,
but due to the difficulty, a team is recommended.
Unlike normal Task Forces, Archvillains/Heros will spawn as Elite Bosses according to Notoriety and number of players in the team.
Mender Silos is found inside the building in Ouroboros, up the stairs.

Mender Silos
Minimum Team Size:
1 Player
Level Range:
Reward Merits:
Enemy Groups:

Save Paragon City from Lord Recluse's attempt to take over Paragon.

Investigate the "Man of Conflict"

  • 2 Raid leaders to defeat
  • Ambush! There will be an ambush of Arachnos after defeating each Raid Leader.
Fight against Arachnos on Striga Isle
  • 3 Raid leaders to defeat
  • Ambush! There will be an ambush of Arachnos after defeating each Raid Leader.
  • 20 Arachnos to defeat
Aid Manticore in Kings Row
  • 4 Raid leaders to defeat
  • Ambush! There will be an ambush of Arachnos after defeating each Raid Leader.
Meet up with Vindicators
  • Question Manticore
  • 25 Arachnos to defeat
Stop the Arachnos assault
  • 13 Phalanx and Vindicators to aide
  • Ambush! After rescuing each Freedom Phalanx member and Vindicators member there will be an ambush of Archnos
  • Defeat the Jade Spider