In need of a Mutant...
This might come across as a daft question, but...
Which server? o_O
Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."

Well, at the moment? None.
In any real sense, since I have only one account, these characters will never actually be able to team with each other. And I probably will make them and play them, but they shall only interact with each other in Fiction and maybe in AE, if I ever get the gumption to make a story arc myself.
This is why I'm asking here, rather than in another section.
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Mind/Psi dominator - expert on psionics/psychic powers.
Illusion controller (similar)
Though not technically an expert on mutations in general, an expert on the psychic.
Just a thought.
"Shut up Mr. Burton, you are not brought upon this world to get it!" - Lo Pan
The expert nature of the powers leads one to think of Henry McCoy or Mr. Sinister from the X-men. Genius level intellects who specialize in the X-gene.
Such a person would likely have at least one doctorate in genetics, and perhaps an intensive study into psychology or social sciences to understand how manifestation of powers can affect an individual or a populace.
Now, as to the AT, anything is up for grabs. The handwavy nature of the mutation origin allows for any powerset combination really, but to emphasize the changing nature of the origin, I would stay away from sets like Willpower, Ninjitsu, AR, Pistols, Achery, Swords, Clubs, etc. Though a mutant could use these, then it begins to emphasize their trained talents and less their strange mutation.
((On the other hand, a mutant who whose sole mutation is the ability to change the color of their eyes, but fights crime as a MA/WP scrapper is something else entirely))
On that basis, and the lack of a scrapper or brute in your lineup, look at the elemental attack and armor sets, see what strikes you.
Another way to look at it is how the character looks:
There is the mutant who can pass as a human--how has that affected the focus of their studies of the mutant condition? Melee ATs would lean towards Super Reflexes or Regeneration
A monstrous mutation seperates the mutant from society, once they were normal but the genetic lottery gave them wings, a monster head. It increases the 'woe is me' factor if a character wishes to indulge in it. Spines, Elemental Armors and attack sets could be found here.
Anyway, hope that helps.
Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
As this is primarily for Roleplaying and/or story telling purposes, I thought I'd ask this here...
I am in need of a mutant.
The concept I am working with here is a special Vanguard team that Lady Grey and the Dark Watcher have put together. On the surface, the teams nothing unusual, but with a closer look, it seems that they may have farther reaching plans for this team...
Each member of the team is from a different origin, and (story-wise, at least) are also to represent an 'expert' in that Origin as well. (The Magic character is like a walking occult library, the Science character knows "!Science" ala Mr. Fantastic and Dr. Insano, ect...)
The problem is I'm having a hard time coming up with the Mutant for the team. In both terms of what an 'Expert' Mutant is supposed to be like, and what kind of AT/Power to use for the character.
The existing team is made up of:
Magic: Demon Summoning/Dark Miasma Mastermind
Natural: Either a Dual Pistols/Traps Corruptor or a Traps/Dual Pistols Defender (exact AT is undecided yet...)
Science: Ice Control/Icy Assault Dominator
Technology: Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker
So does anyone have a suggestion for a Mutant to compliment this team?
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