Need ideas for a second build




--Start of long boring background info, skip ahead if you just want the meat.

I'm looking for a different perspective here, I created this character during the first year anniversary and it's remained my favorite alt since... but I seem to be stuck. I started out as a tri-form warshade, but after the GDN and ED I refocused and specialized on human form, with effort put into a decent nova form and dropped dwarf completely.

I went through a period were I attended every Hamidon Raid I could on Virtue, but stopped several months before they changed the Hive to a 50 person cap... Which was around the time of my last major respec. I seem to remember a minor tweaking respec not long after inventions were released, to reclaim a couple more slots, but it was pretty minor.

So I've been using this build since about issue 7 or so, and while I really like it, I know it can be improved. Unfortunately every time I've gone through Mids planner trying to improve it, I end up unsatisfied with the looks of it and put it off for another issue, hoping something compelling will appear that makes finding something new easier. I've given up on that, it's been 10 issues since my last respec, so I've come here for ideas on a second build instead, hoping playing the second build will give me the experience to meld ideas from both builds into a unified one I can enjoy.

---End of long boring background, begin of long boring thought process and goals

The goals of my current build are specializing in human form, without sacrificing much in the way of nova form. I like to jump into the middle of a group with inky and orbiting death up, mire (and eclipse if needed, depends on team makeup and buffs handed out), and go to town with my two fuzzballs in tow, with Nova form as backup when damage counts more than style, like AVs and such. My second build would ideally still allow me to do much/most of this.

My only major sticking points are that I don't want dwarf form, and I don't want to spend anything close to one of those fully purpled casual warshade types. I typically budget my alts to around 100-150million influence when I IO them out, but I'm willing to extend my budget to around a billion for this one.

My current slotting is a little wacky, I know... not even bothering to swap out many of my SOs for common IOs, which is sad because this alt is my badger and has field crafter... all my crafted commons went off for other leveling alts instead.

Looking back, the slotting in the nova power is ridiculous, but I hate the respec interface enough to avoid minor tweaks, so it's stayed like that too long. I have aid other for use on my fuzzballs, Aid self was just taken as a stepping stone for resuscitate, which I took for intermittent progress on healing badges and to lessen group downtime. The dayjob accolade removes the need for that.

With Ninja Run, I don't need super speed anymore, and with the stealth proc in TP, I don't need it for full invisibility. But it's fun and I wouldn't mind keeping it, but wouldn't break a better build to fit it in.

Quasar is another weird one... I almost wanna drop it, but it's handy sometimes despite the annoyance of popping a blue, hunting for the biggest pile of scattered bodies to Stygian off of, and then retoggle. It's also got a long windup, since it's rather weak without using Mire first. I'd not miss it if it was left out or under slotted.

I've never needed Fitness, and on the current build will likely just stick a common end mod in stamina and a Miracle unique in Health just for giggles when issue 19 hits, but I don't mind the idea of slotting them up in the new build.

---End of long boring thought process and goals.

Short version: Several year old but comfortable Warshade build looking for interesting second build to try out and gain ideas from. Willing to spend up to 1 billion, willing to ditch aid self, resuscitate, super speed, and quasar, other drops will be considered too. I like to specialize as human form, with a usable Nova. Dwarf form is a pick I don't want.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |