A warmhearted reunion... Sorta




Five issues and one expansion ago I stopped my IV drip of CoH to expand my gaming experiances. Suffice to say I have since returned having forgotten alot of the stories with renewed interest in my past main character, Mentalwarp. He is a mind/psy, and i am now happy to say, /psy dominator.

The many months of playing a different game has caused my own mind to become soft, and squishy, no longer sharp in the ways of sowing psychic terror within the Rogue Isle's.

To that extent, I am proud to say that I am man enough when I need a crash course on dominator build pertaining to the Mind/Psy/Psy set-up mentioned above.

I'm looking for two distinct builds: A solo'ing Mac truck, capable of locking down my -1/+4-5, somewhat large for a returning newb, groups of enemies.
And a second build to maximize AE control with AE damage. I do remember that the CoH community is great, and I appriciate any pointers you can give!

Thanks in advanced,

Don't put the fitness powers in the builds. Thanks!

@Van De Graff-X, Liberty