Movember 2010




I didn't see this down anywhere when I did a search - it could be that I step on some toes either for what I'm posting or where I'm posting it. But..I'm going to do it, I will be That Guy.

I'm going to just put this out there: I'm a man. And as a man, I have a thingie.

Now that thingie? That thingie defines us, controls us and in some cases that thingie..causes us to pee a lot.

I'm of course talking about prostates and its time we stopped letting them take a hold of our lives and our wimmens.

Now, I have been court ordered to state the following: The Geneva Conventions of 1949 forbids me from declaring all out war against the Prostates of the world nor can I have their leaders in the National Prostatist Front executed as, apparently, we need them to reproduce as a species.

While that sounds like poppycock from propoganda machine, the U.N. says I can't stop them, I also can't touch them; but therein lies a separate court case and a long list of libel lies.

So, I donated my face to Science and Science passed me on to the Movember Foundation and they cupped my cheeks, gave them a squeeze and said, "We'll take it!"

For those not 'in the know' Movemeber is the time of year (generally November because of the name and all) for fund raising to be done and awareness to be raised for the research of Prostate Cancer. So what does one have to do for Movember? Grow a moustache, for those riding the hype-train to Hypesville that would be a 'Mo'.

Its simple, but it works because we're men and we don't do ridiculous thi--well..flamboyant thin--ok..we just like to not have to shave for four weeks and have that attributed to a good cause other than sheer laziness, how about that? I think thats blatant and fair on the situation.

Now I have not been affected, directly or indirectly, by Prostate Cancer. Not that I have been made aware of at any rate. But cancer, she comes in many forms and that beast is something that has come at me from multiple angles and by varying degrees.

People I know have lost their lives to cancer, but people I know have lived through cancer too. Those that survived have done so due to the progress being made by the men and women who have the funding to make a difference. I believe any amount, no matter how small, can make a difference for us all.

I understand that not everyone can or is able to donate, as the repeative trope goes: "*sigh* Times are tough". Do not think that makes you less awesome compared to anyone else (you will forever be less awesome than I), but monetary gain is only part of this campaign, another focus is raising awareness. Thats kinda why we're growing the hair out.

We're men, we're guys, we're dudes and what do comedians stereotype our gender with? A foolhardy belief to never talk about problems, a 'don't ask, don't tell' policy that goes beyond America's military.

Well I'm here to tell you, especially you at the back, that we men have a treacherous exocrine gland in our midsts, er midriffs that will one day betray you and take your wimmens! The only way to stop this beast is to check yourself, preferably without wrecking yourself, and if you think you might have a problem? Get it checked out. The best news you can have is that you wasted your doctor's time, and they're getting paid to sit around doing nothing anyway let them have a fiddle.

If just one person who reads this gets checked and gets an A-OK, I'm happy, however if someone gets checked and finds something is wrong, but because they caught it early it means they dodge the Grim Reaper's scythe? I'm estatic, with a gracious amount of sympathy for dodging a bullet.

According to the Movember website, which is entirely unbiased in its information, I'm sure. Prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men, one man dies every hour from prostate cancer and around 36,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year.

Together we can raise awareness, together we can aid in research, together we can have me shave my beard and grow some new facial fuzz on my upper lip.

I have a donation page that also contains my true name, anyone caught using my true name in an effort to earn an empowerment over my creations will summarily executed in their face.

If you really want I can take photos of my progress, starting with the dissolution of my current union of Face and Hair and allow for the growth of a bigger, brighter Moustache; one built for glory.

I also had a brain wave whilst writing this to convert all my male characters to this cause - over two accounts and forty-seven characters I have twenty-three men; heroes, villains, rogues and a vigilante in the making.

Twenty-one moustaches (two characters already have moustaches) and kept for an indefinite amount of time.

Thats possibly more moustaches than any other Movemberist could think of!

One man, twenty-four* faces!

*I of course include my actual real life face here.

@Drakmarth & @Drakmarth2
Avatar by S. Wall
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