MoLGTF Tuesday, Nov. 2nd @6PM Eastern





Putting together a Master of Lady Grey TF run on Tuesday, November 2nd at 6 PM Eastern.

I have no real team requirements, other than at least two controllers/dominators and some form of +regen. You are required to bring your own EoEs. At around 5pm I'll be going to the Hive to kill some Monsters if you need them.

Same deal, list your name, sets, and global.

1. Fan J. Lockhart, MA/Regen Scrapper (@Fanny)
2. Mekkanos, Bots/Traps MM (@Mekkanos)
3. Shocklust, Energy/Elec Blaster (@Shocklust)
4. (@Meijin Kizu)
5. Surly, Fire/Rad Controller (@spaced)

"In a nutshell, if you have powers that aren't recharging, you're not trying hard enough." ~Enri



Hi Fanny,

I'm down for trying this again. I'll bring Shocklust (50 nrg/elec) and I bet my wife, Mei, will come. She will probably bring her 50 claw/da scrapper or her 50 therm Corr. She would probably prefer her scrapper. I will talk to her and get back with you.

Shock (@shocklust)
Mei (@meijin kizu)

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