Robin Fans!




I'm not sure whether to post this here or on the art forum, so I'm opting for here.

I'm sure you've all heard of Project Rooftop. (If not, you really should check it out here: ) Well, there's a new superhero redesign site called Superhero of the Month. Both of these sites are fun for comic book fans to visit because you see some great (and sometimes, not-so-great) interpretations of your favorite characters.

Superhero of the Month just announced a contest with entries accepted through the month of October. The subject is Robin, and not just the Boy Wonder, but any character who has filled the role of the Batman's kid sidekick. So check it out here:

I hope you all will visit and then go back in November when the entries are posted for voting.

By the way, I have absolutely no connection to SotM except that I do plan to submit a drawing in the contest.