Newbie PB bi-form - help needed




Hi all, long time casual veteran of CoX (since beta), first time PB newbie here.

Ok, I have a theme in mind, but am not sure if I'm deluding myself. I've got a PB to 8th now & am absolutely loving the Nova form, which I would mainly like to use until 20th, when the dwarf form kicks in. What I would like to attempt to make as a viable theme/build is as follows:

- bi-form, with ONLY Nova & Dwarf used predominantly (I really don't want to juggle tri-forms & don't like the human form much, even though I'm aware it gets much more powerful/versatile later on)
- I mostly, if not almost exclusively, solo, quite often in small chunks of less than an hour, time permitting - yeah, I know, why pick a team-oriented AT then? Because I can?
- I intend to spend almost no time in human form, except when starting up or 'de-toggled', so would only want to slot human powers where they are useful for starting off buffs, getting out of deep doodoo or whatnot & they are carried into Nova/Dwarf form, say for tougher/longer battles, etc

Pretty simple, ey? But can it be made viable at all? I imagine slotting will be fairly straightforward <rolls eyes>, as the powers are mostly set. However, depending on which human/pool powers you recommend I take, this may mean spreading the slots a bit thinner.

The main thing that attracted me to the PB was the flying at level 1. Funny thing though, the 50th hero prerequisite must have been relaxed at some point, as my highest is a mid 30s blaster (mental note: must stop making alts & get at least ONE toon to 50th lol!).

Shame Kheldians can't start in Nova Praetoria, perfect for a Bright Nova like myself I reckon! <G>

Much TIA guys, even if you all tell me I'm barking up the wrong tree .



Nova - easy enough to slot. Don't really need slots in the form (barring a nice proc or global.)
Dwarf - dedicate some slots to the form as well as the attacks.

I'd still say prepare to shift to and from Human a bit, as your HP boost, build up, one heal, travel (well, "emergency button" in QFly as well) and such are there. Unlike a Warshade's Fluffies, Photon seekers are... eh... skippable. They only blow up in melee if they feel like it, as opposed to floating around shooting things.

I'd look into Conserve Energy when it comes up. Don't want to run out of END mid-fight in dwarf form.

You may want to look into hasten, in any case. Yes, you'll have to drop to Human to use it. The buff carries over. I would *still* take and slot Radiant and Incandescent strike, even if you don't *plan* on being in Human much.

(I really need to work up that guide I mentioned.)



Tx Memphis_Bill. So can I concentrate on just pool powers with Nova & Dwarf & make a viable char to 50th would you think? Why do you suggest Rad/Incan Strikes - can I use them in the 2 forms & how if so? I take it Con Energy is activated in human form just before switching? I'd like to max the slots for Hasten & Stamina, so long as both work in Kheld forms. Any other pool powers worth looking at? Does Build Up carry to Nova form for example, assuming there is enough time to change & alpha strike a boss with the best power, say...?
Also, do any auto-powers, like Incandescence, apply in Nova/Dwarf form?

Why not slot the Nova powers for acc/dmg as per other blaster-type powers? <scratched head>
What/how to slot Dwarf powers & when is best to use this form at higher levels - after blowing out all the Nova 'alpha-strikes' & then having melee mobs swarm you I assume...? Remember, yer talking to a complete Kheldian newb here .