Advice on Tri-Form PB Build?




I've been playing my PB for a number of years now and I've had a number of different builds aiming at specific things. This time around I want the ultimate tri-form pb build.

I have focused on getting the resistances up (not adding in defense over the top; found it wasn't worth compromising the rest of the build), adding HP, Recharge and getting some extra damage in there too. I figured that for a tri-form you want to emphasise the other forms powers and abilities so I have slotted the Nova form powers and the resistance of the dwarf (not too bothered about the damage on the dwarf).

As far as team play goes, I want it to be the ultimate filler. Similar to the other thread I want the ultimate form PB (but also ultimate human too). I want it to be able to tank well if the team needs a tank. I want it to be able to blast if that's waht the team needs. I want it to be able to scrap/damage mitigate (through knockdown or what have you) when that's what the team needs.

As far as money goes I'm not too fussed about cost because I can always save up.

This is the build so far:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6594594F135114C7EFB433942ED01618284BA120A51B2 D34E10101712326688|
|1C61A9ED4DAC2A09394967421FAE607F09D27620C4F3EAB51 E35771FB02A2C62546|
|C07A960B947492FE7F33FF39F7DC33E7DEDBA5870B2E211E5 F144AC7D542AE52C9A|
|68DDC9A912F9BC5FB46D9B69CABD6CAB9822353AA1502996A A9BC691342041B63B2|
|2B1B1B46B1626E1B89546DD32C966A95EC15C8541D3D13B56 034455D86D4DEC5E20|
|3A36C14AB89E31B57BA542A24AE99D5A251A938E821B36518 EBECA78CDC1624F4D2|
|C36271DBAC9879B360561F091F141681DF5F4DC8AB2EC41C4 0B58A2FE829D29B67E|
|F409396A85B945DC094B0EC11BA9F11BE42809507A9D61B0A 5AEA0A6389D092662C|
|130E215C93F36ACF2D681DC1B38D2DCD96A7A4AD6B8C75822 3C7B84798C80242428|
|3217659AC3D0E48C270219C6C29CE3D0B5AAEA7847D78D3C6 6F2C6D092AA43DC688|
|126C90CD2D87BA57C9F25C57701EA54508AFACCECB1574842 8694798D0152174470|
|9E331422BE4EB94137606A8BA2E467C873EFA0754A4735AAB 2E7BEDE3CA7C5384BE|
|7E2BE22704F670A0DAC38D1DE436C75384096E7392FBAB42B 9BD32BCF702D5D2374|
|D1898250CCE316608235067BFACB33F46050E30028CEF30BD 5FB6D92FEB6C813986|
|644B863E421EBF087C627C260C7F60CC734B2E11341835224 78D1C5013CE1D328E1|
|8FF08A3DBBCCCFB94E30FCC1F947D0A866945C6B84D63E354 E05890CC6F10179675|
|86659DBFC18BC9BD161BA6E85F6025A495E02FEC86164CCA9 1933AA51E501B0E471|
|D2E916A74E254605A3D39194289913588510A9AF57AB871C4 7BFAB28CDAB0657926|
|877A721CAC1A9F2BCB0EEDEF381FAF249F397B739C8BE3C6C FC4B94EE354ED0D599|
|E1784E19784D1578CD70467737888C3431C1EE2F00887FBD4 934D2B743F77AFD9D2|
|368F192BE751DFF6BD96F3A406FA1A45156516EA3DC0151EE E25D0E258F8F6B7857|
|7FE73A5E26F734AED8799419945914DD03F204236D4E10278 A0BA50DA51DC58DE24|

Any thoughts/improvements guys?



It looks to me like you're only going to use dwarf as an oh shite form, staying principally in human and nova. Not really my playstyle but the build looks pretty solid.

You've got enough recharge to chain radiant strike/incandescant strike/solar flare with a gleaming blast thrown in to fill the gaps, so mez should be your only real enemy in human form.

But if you're not going to slot any of your other attacks in dwarf form I'd recommend taking that slot out of white dwarf flare and putting another performance shifter proc in nova, given that stamina won't carry over into the forms.

The other thing you might consider is swapping out something in the upper levels for pulsar for the extra mitigation, taking a second slot from light form and slotting both slots in pulsar for accuracy. I'd put quantum flight on equal importance with pulsar, as well as conserve power, since you took stamina. You may want to keep conserve power for dawn strike's crash, however.

Speaking of light form, if you're going to have the shields up any extra resistance you slot in light form will be largely redundant. Better to slot the power with three recharge.

And if you're going to put an enhancement at all in white dwarf's taunt, then put an accuracy in it.

That's about all the advice I can give this build - looks very good.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



I would mainly be using Dwarf form when the team needs a tank or if there's heavy mezzing enemies (like a Mothership Raid). Most of the time I'm in human form or if the team needs a blaster I go nova. The mez is a pain in human form but I've put some protection in there (albeit not a lot) but mainly relying on team mates for protection in that area.

I've never once had a problem with end so far in nova, but I've taken your advice and put a +end proc in nova. I did this with one of the slots from Light form, which I have now slotted purely for recharge (I agree that the resistance is already capped so there's no point wasting slots).

As far as having pulsar in the build I did have it and used it quite a lot a year or two ago, but if I'm mostly teaming the kb from Solar Flare will do a similar job. I'd love to have room for this power but as you say, quant flight is needed as an excellent 'panic button' and conserve power is needed for the crash after the Dawn Strike nuke is used and useful for countering the end drain on quant flight.

Below is the revised build.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA65945B4F135110C7CFB6BB94B60B6D8185522814047BA 305121F10106FC4042|
|DD058C3935AB7B0E826A525DD96E89B1FC0779E88313CF9AC 468D5FC5DB1710355E|
|62045CE7CC1C60499BF0FFEDCEFECF9CD939B32C3E9C57197 B7C91491D57CBBA651|
|5F386BE6A946A66E5BE51F32CE9F5464D2FFB0AD5463956A8 576B1B1EC6D8A8D353|
|5C5E5F372A96B96564738D0DB3526D58C52B90A93E72CA356 F34B92E43EAD042E58|
|151332AF5ECD1859AAF56CBD96B66BD6258960F6F0A9B86B1 46F19CA16F42C210DE|
|2C54B64CCB2C9965B3FE8885A1B024FCFD5598F8D98CCD026 437FBC2639288CD516|
|C5F112166BBA41DC02473ED22BA9F21BE82C14D8B64F70D89 87E465C222A2254F58|
|421C809DB6B625E5B98B87CE6E230E21ECA1278AA784B95B5 7096B089F4EB887182|
|F02E24C81255E51B337834F6C48E4A790CBBF8BB9D5A7B453 1A0D7B60681386B62C|
|96D59E26A4101E481A20831458C150F0BAC4B7935A180B892 2435448471C7377241|
|05D4944770A319646B442BE4EB161670C57751132F4EE3FA0 228DD2BA35D1F93055|
|163E8788F4B9397E82B1878C720FB579809A9EC921C6A9E99 3D46D19CAED15F6DE0|
|BB855640AD13F831898254C2386A1CE3E51671FF5AA9F1023 7C87EDA3A2DB515167|
|0BEC31285A32F811F24459EC13E13362E803618E5A7209A1C 0AA61B16A781F43670|
|E0887847F88912D3AED3DCCF107F61F15D3339AC6011067FA 0D9E2444650951D96F|
|88A5C58CA787D0F60B425911CAD2CA6E78E909119AD0B06DF DB2E3E3B0E1C772CE0|
|88D595E3EFE329844A906B84BE241DB4E3857BCC77729C88E 59A59D7CF2F1E7E056|
|E8BB726DE37B65E8F39AA46FCEDBEC53C93776CAA79EF864E 50D86822F10432F112|
|3AF08AF11FE667B9CEC71B2C7C99E247B583E1E53A645A97B CD21ED242469747CC9|
|4D44EFC91359A3E94DD2F4A6686C5334B6299AE52E67EE086 6E87186E848DFAA47F|
|FB5BC377DA0B7B8E4B9AC70B9CDE50E8874975FE95C4AFC76 955FD9EFD4A3630A4C|
|F1133BCF659ACB0C172D08F2843B3D7E103F17954B1B97762 E012E412E9D5C225C7|

Any further suggestions?



You're not going to be tanking very well with your dwarf form/dwarf form attacks slotted as they are, but I also don't think you're going to need to tank very often.

Let me just throw this out there - in most heavy mezzing situations you're likely to be in either light form or nova. Light form offers mez protection, and nova offers altitude and range. Get mezzed in nova, and you just sort of float there in relative safety from the heavier hitting melee attacks. If you've got mez resistance built in from IO's it'll carry over, and it's much easier to right-click your way into a breakfree in the air.

Have you considered just dropping dwarf? That would free up four slots, enabling to take, oh... Pulsar and five slot it with Absolute Amazements for 10% more recharge. Alternately, you could take provoke from the presence pool and use light form as your tank mode. I closed out Mids already, and so I don't know if you have 5 5% recharge bonuses already, but if not you could use the extra four slots to five slot Perfect Zinger for the 5% recharge and the 2.5% damage buff.

Alternately, throw in a couple of accuracy IO's, a recharge IO, the damage proc from Perfect Zinger, and the stun proc from Triumphant Insult.

But, really, those are just options. Keeping Dwarf isn't a bad thing, either. The best advice I could give you a this point is to try it out, because it's good to go pretty much as is.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



The whole idea behind this toon is that its like a switch army knife - it can do whatever it needs to in order to fit on a team. By nature the build is tri-form because I'd ideally like to keep all of the forms in there. I do use the light form quite a bit while in human mode because its good for mez protection and holding off AV's if a lot of people die etc.

I can see what you're saying about mez protection in human/nova forms and yeah I'd like to be able to squeeze some protection (note: not resistane as that's more or less useless in pve as it just affects the duration rather than whether you get mezzed in the first place) but that is also a good role of both light and dwarf forms.

You say that I'm not going to tank well with the dwarf slotted as it is... why is that? I have slotted the dwarf for resistance which is what a tank needs to perform its job. Granted there isn't a lot of damage behind the dwarf because of the lack of slots but the way I think about that is if I'm already on a team as the pseudo-tank I just need to keep the agro on me and others will be tailored to damage. I'm interested in what you could come up with if you re-did the build to be what you would consider a good tri-form with the dwarf properly slotted?



I'll do a longer post later, but as a quick note about your dwarf form slotting...looking at that mids build you sent me last night I noticed there was virtually no accuracy put in...especially on the 'taunt' power..being as it's not autohit like a true tankers...maybe you could use an accuracy io rather than a taunt duration?...or perhaps there is part of a set that gives acc/recharge/ taunt?,,, more later

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



Originally Posted by Soul Storm View Post
You say that I'm not going to tank well with the dwarf slotted as it is... why is that? I have slotted the dwarf for resistance which is what a tank needs to perform its job. Granted there isn't a lot of damage behind the dwarf because of the lack of slots but the way I think about that is if I'm already on a team as the pseudo-tank I just need to keep the agro on me and others will be tailored to damage. I'm interested in what you could come up with if you re-did the build to be what you would consider a good tri-form with the dwarf properly slotted?
You need to be more than tough to tank. You need to attract aggro, and you need to be able to sustain aggro. A dwarf has a taunt effect built into its attacks for that purpose. They don't have to be slotted with damage, but some accuracy slotting goes a long way.

Now you could just swap those damage IO's out for Accuracy, but keep in mind stamina won't be helping you in dwarf form, and the end increase granted by the toggle will only pay the cost of the toggle. So you'll either need to slot some endurance reducers in those powers or slot the form itself for more than damres.

It all depends on how much tanking you want to do. I think if you went back and slotted accuracy IO's instead of damage IO's in your three attacks, and possibly put an Achilles' Heel proc in White Dwarf Flare, you'd be off to a start. Moving the Blessing of the Zephyr slow resist from dwarf form to white dwarf step will let you put a performance shifter proc in there, as well, and will go a long way towards fixing any end problems.

A large part of the aggro mechanic depends on damage, however, and any peacebringer who's considering doing any serious tanking had best slot those dwarf attacks with some damage, else scrappers and blasters will be pulling aggro.

Like I said, it all depends on how much tanking you want to do. Can you tank in a pinch? Sure (and that may be all you want to do.) Can you tank for a full team? It'll be tough. Can you tank a TF? No.

But also like I said, I don't think you really need to tank. You've got damage, range, a nuke and three really angry white dots that like to go boom. A Swiss Army knife is a good knife, but it's still only a pocket knife. It's not a weapon by any standard. You've got a weapon. Enjoy it.

Wrt my build, I may just have lost it - I'll have to look on my laptop when I get home. If it's there, I'll post it. Otherwise, I'll have to recreate it.

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies



ok I've had a look at your latest build, here goes ....

I reckon it's a decent set of powers chosen...the only thing I would say is that I would be tempted to drop either quantum shield or combat jump and pick up 'pulsar' instead single slotted with an acc/ disorient io from a set, I think they all have a component that will do that...In my opinion the difference between a stun/disorient and a hold is that the victims wander around a bit with the former. I reckon damage resistance will be less of an issue if a fair proportion of a sizeable mob is mezzed for a while.

As for the dwarf form slotting i'm inclined to agree with Smiling Joe. I reckon your dwarf form will be have better all round effectiveness by redistributing those slots. The way I would do it is to reduce the white dwarf sublimation to 3 slots and not expend resources on a doctored wounds set, rather have 2 recharges and a healing IO. I'd put the saved slots evenly between strike and smite and either go with std acc and rech IO or 2 of the melee IO sets that have 3 or 4 components.

Hope this helps

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



Okay guys I've considered both of your posts and below is a revised version of the build.

I shifted a Recharge from Buildup (only affected recharge by 2 seconds anyway) over to Dwarf strike and put a Mako Dmg/Rech to compliment the Acc/Dam HO. I shifted over a slot ffrom Gleaming blast to Dwarf Smite and put another Acc/Dam HO in there to make sure there was plenty of damage there. I put a Achilles Heel -res as you suggested to go with the acc/dam HO and so that should make the dwarf more rounded out as a pseudo tank.

I also took out Quantum Flight (to be honest I only really ever used it as a travel power these days) and I shouldn't need to use it if I build the thing correctly in the first place (more often than not). I replaced that with Pulsar and stuck a Acc/Mez HO in there to make it as useful as it can be.

I also took your suggestion to put the slow resist in TP and replace it with the +end proc. (Genius!)

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
|78DA6D945B4F135110C7CFB6BB94B60B6D290BA5DC4A057AA 38526C62020DE88095|
|AA0B18627B5B6B0C89AB225BD107DF303F8CE133186279FD5 A8F1C9EFE1ED0B881A|
|353102AE73660E50024DFAFF75E7FCCF9CD9D9D9CE3D9C511 97B7C91496D574B856|
|A359FD50B4B7AB16298F7F58A63BE50AB570A2557AE5C2F85 72B57265CDC1181B6A|
|F4E417565674B36A6CE8A94C7DCD30CBF56AFE0A64AA0D1E7 3CDE8275C9721B56FD|
|65CD52BBA594B1DFC50B3E5722975CDA8997AB5EAC28BDCBA AE2F533CA317D621A1|
|0F2F66CD0DA36A148D92517BC40250580CBE7F15263E16635 300D9CEBEF29824622|
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|1EB107764564529E6386E14DC43E841DB4A2388A786CF3126 119E1D209F710A3794|
|08429B0C5298A752671C582446E0A49EE6DCCAD3E45ECC04A 0BADD85A52584F6B82|
|104738209B476CF52C62C87B5DE2E7484D8CF94475BE07784 E5B0493B64511ED314|
|4471C31924034433EBF38D01FC25DED8424DDF44FA848A3B4 766D9AFA1FA0CA0267|
|114132FE02632719E54EEA6F1F753B99418C52B7D3D46619C AED12F6AE0B9821388|
|EE89944F44D11261061A8B35BD4D99DC0027B0821C20F38BE 57B4B957D4D90467F4|
|8B96F47F823CBD2CF499F00531F091304D2DB98450605758E C0AEF62E8CC1E619FF|
|00F31B8418F790773FC81F387C4D80C25F0C90F5365DF6125 2A2A8B8ACA6C704642|
|4C75E21C8DEB6FF0A5442C455B3BE0AEC7C4D6310DFBD6233 7BC0F167C58A631420|
|396950FDF062651AA3EEE9278D0B2A28D3B3EE0CDE4E48629 A5935CF2E18B6057B6|
|31896D136F2CF90CAFD25B08E7499F4ABE91633EF5C8272B6 F30E47D81187889187|
|C45788D709FB447C81E217B84EC31B207E4C3399534F10730 BC4A5D3C65C926FE4A|
|B453D662EFA1257ED675B4246B34D0311AE8384D729C26394 EE3DD7E64675A100FE|
|E6C0C75DB79E8AD7AF0D7E5BCE902BDC525CB6591CB6D2E77 40A4BBFC57814B915F|
|2EF15FD63BF5E0C179C6F9333CCF6582CB2417CD0BF2843B1 D6E103717954B0B975|



Now you're rockin' and rollin'! I liked the build quite a bit before these changes, but I've a feeling you're going to be very happy with this one.

I never did find my PB's Mids build. Meh. I've been meaning to respec him lately, anyway, and the discussions in this thread have got me thinking that I juuuust might have to break out Mid's in my spare time this afternoon!

The Scrappers' Guide to Dark Melee | Kheldian Binds and Strategies