So after playing for a pretty long time I've decided to try my first controlling type character. But since I haven't played one, I'm a bit lost in choosing what kind to play so I'm turning to all of you for some advice and guidance.
My play style sees me team with a friend quite often, but I do occasionally solo. I don't see myself being part of big teams if that makes a difference. I'm leaning towards a dom for its offensive abilities over a controller (correct?). As I said, when I team it will be with my friend who will be a blaster (which means lots of trips to the hospital I'm sure)
So after playing for a pretty long time I've decided to try my first controlling type character. But since I haven't played one, I'm a bit lost in choosing what kind to play so I'm turning to all of you for some advice and guidance.
My play style sees me team with a friend quite often, but I do occasionally solo. I don't see myself being part of big teams if that makes a difference. I'm leaning towards a dom for its offensive abilities over a controller (correct?). As I said, when I team it will be with my friend who will be a blaster (which means lots of trips to the hospital I'm sure)
Thanks for any advice you can give me.