Server Ongoing Storyarcs Discussion




I am curious about wanting to start a project on Virtue. The basic idea is one of the hardest obstacles in running succesful Supergroups, Villaingroups that have big encompassing storyarcs is the fact that this game is built for alt-a-holics.
With Going Rogue now live though there is definitely a chance to pull off some amazing roleplay opportunities.
I am wondering if there is any interest in creating a huge guild in an OOC sense. This OOC guild will create several in-game guilds with their own backstory and themes. The guild itself if it houses say 50 something active members would mean that you could literally have 25 on 25 little hero vs villain events going on.
Im just thinking that if we were a group of like minded roleplayers who were looking for our own niche and world with actual archenemies specific for your character would be something truly special. Sure it might be your buddy playing the archenemy on one of his alts. I just think something like this could be really fun.

Im thinking on several different possible themes to get involved.

-Arcane and magical Enthusiasts
-Science and Techno-themed People
-Paramilitary Mercenary Forces

I mean there are tons of options but these are just basic cookie cutter type themes that could be employed. Obviously the backstory for these different factions and organisations would be well fleshed out, and have their own amazing story.

I am mainly just looking for like minded individuals who are looking for a taste of some roleplay that DOESNT go on in Pocket D.
With Going Rogue we can now go back and forth between the different zones as vigilantes and rogues.

Ideas? Comments?