My Character Bio So Far




This is my Bio so far for my Night-Robin character. I can't really come up with a reason for why he is called Night-Robin. I just used it cause I use it as a Gamertag. Lemme know what you think.

Arnold and Maria Costner knew their son was special from the moment he was born. As Maria held her newborn she carefully counted his fingers and toes, brushed her hand along the tiny blond hairs upon his head, and stared into his baby blue eyes as he floated toward the ceiling. And as Christian Costner hovered over the awestruck doctors and nurses in the hospital room, his parents began to see how special their son truly was.

Unsure of how most of the world would react to their son and his unique gift, the Costner’s quickly moved to paragon city where many others with unique gifts were welcomed and accepted. With the help of local hospitals, the Costner’s were able to raise their son with an understanding of his ability to fly and eventually discovered his ability to heal at an accelerated rate. This news thrilled Maria Costner as she saw her son as not only having the means to flee from a dangerous situation, but also the means to withstand any danger he might not be so lucky to escape.

Arnold Costner did not share his wife’s view on the matter however, and he quickly enrolled Christian in martial arts classes. Christian proved a natural martial artist and took first place in multiple local tournaments before his mother learned of his training. Although adamant about maintaining her original desire that Christian forsake any use of violence in his life, Arnold managed to convince his wife that instead of teaching their son to live a normal life they should encourage him to live his life in a manner that makes a difference to both himself and others.

Realizing the impact her son could have on the lives of others, Maria reluctantly agreed to allow her son to take on a life of heroism, and fashioned his first costume for him. It is through this strong encouragement from his parents and the passion that has always driven him to perfection that Christian Costner has been able to fight crime as effectively as he has. As “Night-Robin”, Christian Costner not only displays the heart of a hero, but the love of two parents who taught their son all the right lessons.



((Not bad. ))



Thanks! By no means is it complete, but I wanted to have a general idea of my character's back story before I tried to join any RPing supergroups.

I accidentally posted this in the "Players Questions" forum late last night and one of the replies noted that it sounds like my character was strong armed into becoming a superhero by his parents, with little say of his own. he also stated that this would set my character up to possibly be a duel alignment character, which really doesn't fit the tone I planned for Night-Robin to have. So some reworking is in order.



Arnold and Maria Costner knew their son was special from the moment he was born. As Maria held her newborn she carefully counted his fingers and toes, brushed her hand along the tiny blond hairs upon his head, and stared into his baby blue eyes as he floated toward the ceiling. And as Christian Costner hovered over the awestruck doctors and nurses in the hospital room, his parents began to see how special their son truly was.

Unsure of how most of the world would react to their son and his unique gift, the Costner’s quickly moved to Paragon City where many others with unique gifts were welcomed and accepted. With the help of local hospitals, the Costner’s were able to raise their son with an understanding of his ability to fly and eventually discovered his ability to heal at an accelerated rate. This news thrilled Maria Costner as she saw her son as not only having the means to flee from a dangerous situation, but also the means to withstand any danger he might not be so lucky to escape.

Arnold Costner did not share his wife’s view on the matter however, and on Christian’s 16 birthday, he enrolled him in martial arts classes. Christian proved a natural martial artist and took first place in multiple local tournaments before his mother learned of his training. Furious at both her husband and Christian, Maria demanded her son cease his training and resume a normal life. Not wanting to cause trouble between his parents, Christian reluctantly gave in to his mother’s wishes.

Months later, Christian and his mother were inside a convenience store when two men, armed with pistols, attempted a robbery. One robber screamed for the clerk open the register, while the other man demanded all the customers in the store turn over their valuables. Christian fought the urge to stand up to the men as he handed over his wallet. But the urge proved too much to combat as the robber grabbed the hand of Christian’s mother and demanded her wedding ring.

Christian delivered a kick to the thief's chest that sent him crashing into a stack of beer cases. The man quickly tried to recover and aim his weapon at Christian, but the boy was already hovering above him. Christian delivered a vicious stomp to the man’s face and quickly turned to face the remaining thief.

The robber stood in front of the counter, the money he had stolen from the register inside a white plastic bag that he was clutching tightly in his left hand as he aimed his gun at Christian with his right. The man squeezed the trigger and the gun fired. But it was too late. Christian had flown toward the criminal with bird-like speed and grace, shoving the man’s arm upward and ensuring the bullet a place in the store’s ceiling. A right hand followed just as swiftly and ended the ordeal. Christian’s mother hugged him, but said nothing else.

A week later, Christian’s mother called him downstairs. On the kitchen table lay a costume. Red and blue, his two favorite colors. Christian looked questioningly at his mother as he saw the golden bird that graced the front of the costume.

“The way you stopped that man,” His mother said as tears began to flow. “You were so swift, so graceful. You flew like a Robin that night.”

Christian ran his fingers across the golden bird. “Night-Robin.” He said.

Arnold and Maria Costner stared at their son as he relished in the thought of becoming a true hero, never having been prouder. They had taught their son all the right lessons, and he had paid attention to every one. As “Night-Robin”, Christian Costner displays not only the heart of a true hero, but what the loving care that two people show their child can produce.