I'd love to get some cool looking pics drawn up of my toons, but I'm sticking to my rule that I can only have my main drawn if it's made it to lvl 50 (that way I don't get altitis for drawing requests O_O)
But I wouldn't feel right asking people to just do things for me with out being able to offer anything in return. Artists should always be comped in some form. Even if it's just a "I owe you one" here's some of the things I've done http://zantosa53.deviantart.com/ I'm not much of a pen and paper artist (although I'm practicing a bit now) I would like a little practice using that gimp program to bring peoples toons into a picture with them in trade. Anyway enough blabbering
*edit* OH I almost forgot a fun little detail. kinda hard to see in the screenshots, but pako2(ice/eng blaster) is as short as the game would allow for and death-owl(robo/bub MM) is the opposite :P
hmmm. intriguing....I have a billionty projects on the pile right now....and I finished my finals today infact. YAY ( got a a in the class too ) i'll will see what I can do.
Originally Posted by Scootertwo
hmmm. intriguing....I have a billionty projects on the pile right now....and I finished my finals today infact. YAY ( got a a in the class too ) i'll will see what I can do.
Nice! Gratz on the grade, much better then I've gotten in a VERY long time hahaha. Also I hope so! I was beginning to wonder if I'd have people to try out the photo shopping thing with
I might do one for a Spaghettio's with sliced franks duct tape wallet... let me know if that's cool.
Originally Posted by LadyJudgement
I might do one for a Spaghettio's with sliced franks duct tape wallet... let me know if that's cool.
I'd love to get some cool looking pics drawn up of my toons, but I'm sticking to my rule that I can only have my main drawn if it's made it to lvl 50 (that way I don't get altitis for drawing requests O_O)
But I wouldn't feel right asking people to just do things for me with out being able to offer anything in return. Artists should always be comped in some form. Even if it's just a "I owe you one" here's some of the things I've done http://zantosa53.deviantart.com/ I'm not much of a pen and paper artist (although I'm practicing a bit now) I would like a little practice using that gimp program to bring peoples toons into a picture with them in trade. Anyway enough blabbering
*edit* OH I almost forgot a fun little detail. kinda hard to see in the screenshots, but pako2(ice/eng blaster) is as short as the game would allow for and death-owl(robo/bub MM) is the opposite :P