1st Annual Pink's Transgender ITF, and Fashion Show.




Hello to all you beautiful people out there, I would like to inivte you all to the 1st annual Pink's Transgender ITF and Fashion show June 20th at 7pm est. Bi-Gender Defender will be your host for this nite of magic and excitement.

The first event will be the Trasngender ITF where teams will form up in Cimeroa and take down the unfashionable Romulous and his hunky goons. What do you need to be part of this party well you need to be atleast lvl 35, have access to Cimeroa, and of course the most important thing of all is to look Incredible!

You may ask what a transgender toon may be well, this is a Male hero, or villan do every attempt to take on the wonderful female form, And for the ladies they are striving to look like a hunky male!

The Second event will be held after the ITF's roughly about 8:30 pm est. in Pocket D, where the Fashion Show and Dance will begin. Prizes up to 20 million influnce/infamy will be awarded as also special door prizes. The Fashion Show judging will be held by Bi-Gender with help with some of my wonderful friends. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd places awarded.

So time to find that sexy outfit, throw on some pumps, and look incredible..time to party. If you have any questions please feel free to ask here, or send pst to Tactical-Command in game.

Thank you, hope to see you all there....