Villain Hamidon Raid, 6/19/10, 3 PM PST, 6 PM EST




Once more, we'll invade the Abyss to remind Hamidon who runs the Rogue Isles!

Saturday, June 19th, 3 PM Pacific (4 PM Mountain, 5 PM Central, 6 PM Eastern).

KidEngineer will be leading the raid/coordinating the teams.

The other team leaders will be announced as they volunteer.

A few points to remember:
* The Abyss is restricted to level 45+ villains.
* The raid team leaders will use the Request channel to coordinate the teams. Please monitor the channel for instructions, but do not use it unless you are one of the raid team leaders
* It will hold 50 villains, if the Abyss fills up, do not leave the zone, there is no guarantee you'll get back into that instance.
* The Hamidon will spawn (bloom) 3 sets of Mitos at (75%, 50%, and 25%), in addition to the mitos that initially spawn with him.
* After Hamidon is defeated you will have the option of selecting 53 Reward Merits or a random Hamidon Origin Enhancement if you are level 47+.

If you can, please acquire Bio warheads/nukes from Warburg prior to the raid. They help tremendously.

As with the hero raid done on 6/12/10, please acquire Chemical Burn warheads/nukes from Warburg as well. We're going to try to plow through the last bloom red side.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Count me in



So we're gonna try a semi-evacless raid redside .....Interesting

(I heard that somewhere)

"Can play" is not a binary. It's a float.
There are some pretty low values of "can play" out there.

The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off



Just let me know if you want me to bring the pain or the bots, Kid, and I'm there.



Originally Posted by Huron View Post
So we're gonna try a semi-evacless raid redside .....Interesting

(I heard that somewhere)
I wonder where?

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



If anyone's putting together a concerted effort to team up and do nukes, let me know.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
If anyone's putting together a concerted effort to team up and do nukes, let me know.
If anyone needs assistance getting nukes, send me a PM and we'll try to set up a time to get this done...

I KNEW my stalker would be good at something aside from earning debt.

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



I'm also available to assist people in acquiring nukes. As for the raid I plan on being there with nukes in hand.



I have never actually even gone into warburg for nukes but would certainly be willing to join a group to try - I can bring either my dm/regen stalker or my bane spider soldier. I am logged in fairly frequenly on one side or the other, try @Magik13 or @Midnight Mystique (both are me). I was at the last redside hami with my bane (Midnight Carnage) but I suspect my stalker would work even better and will probably play him on saturday.

Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13



Originally Posted by EricHough View Post
I have never actually even gone into warburg for nukes but would certainly be willing to join a group to try -
It's a cakewalk, actually. Because of Protector's very limited PvP scene, Warburg is usually a ghost town. Like T, Sayto, and Hyper, I can lend a hand in this endevour. It shouldn't take very long. I think I can get all three nukes in about 30-45 min by myself, so a team effort at only two nukes a piece should be no sweat at all.

Of course now that I've said all that, there's prolly gonna be some sharks in the water around Warburg for few days.

edit- I forgot to mention: I'll be at the raid with nukes in hand.



Alrighty, unless something really wierd happens I should be there on my widow, with nukes. I'll have to miss the next two weekends though, silly Disney family vacations See you all Saturday.

Lyrina Kyton- Arachnos Widow Lvl-50 Happily
Ivan Spectre- Arachnos Soldier Lvl-50 on
The Grey Guard- BS/Sh Scrapper Lvl- 50 Protector
Ivaniva Spectre- WP/SS Tanker Lvl- 50
Bakuhatsu- DP/DM Corrupter Lvl- 45



Congratulations Protector!

Next week will be hero side and we're going to try to go completely evac-less!

"Goodbye, Jean-Luc. I'm gonna miss you... you had such potential. But then again, all good things must come to an end..." -- Q



Abyss wasn't full this time, but we plowed through the last bloom all the same. Like T said, we'll be attempting evacless next week heroside. Thank you everyone again for coming to the raid. See ya next week. ^_^

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



Excellent run again Kid. Thanks for letting yourself be overridden.

I have never seen Hamidon's health bar jump LEFT quite that fast before. =)

Unfortunately I won't be here for the hero raid next week. Origins. Hope to see you on the next redside raid though.

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Yeah, I was a little caught by surprise on how quickly Hami's HP dropped too.

If somebody you're arguing with goes off the deep end, don't follow.



Very nice raid, especially for the relatively small turn out. Plowing through that last bloom worked really well, was fast too, think that was the fastest red side one I've seen. Congratulations Protector and thanks again for putting it together guys.