BS/Invuln Question




After running many scrappers to the mid teens I have found one that I finally really like, a BS/Invuln is tons of fun and fits well together concept wise as well. However, since BS has Parry I am not sure how much +Def I should shoot for in my build. I currently am planning on going for 30% def to lethal and smashing (for softcap w/ parry) and 15% def to melee (for softcap w/ stacked parry). My question is this, will the 30% defence to lethal and smashing be overkill and I should only shoot for around 20ish?



I wish it gave Def to Smash/Lethal/Melee
It only gives Lethal/Melee def.



I know. I referred to them together because in set bonuses you can't increase lethal without also increasing smashing.
For a better phrased question how about:
How much melee/lethal defense should I am for in a build that already has parry in it?