redside badger channel/group on Justice?
Crooked concepts is the only redside channel i know of.
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
"Justice Badges" has been around for a while too.
I use it all the time for my badge hunting on both sides.
"Super Hyper Mecha Plucky Power Armor GO!" -Plucky Sidekick: 50 Inv/EM Tank
"Do not confuse my disguise with your own evolutionary missteps." -Malevol-Ant: 50 EM/Nin Stalker
I spent the last couple of evenings beating down 333 Cape Consortium Guards, and it seemed such a waste of time doing it just for 1 badge on 1 toon.